Thursday, March 23, 2017

Humpty Dumpty..

Hi my little princess, who is getting so big!

You are officially 8 1/2- 9 weeks away from your due date!!!!! SO excited..I can't believe how fast the time has gone! Everyone told me that the 2nd pregnancy always flies by and they couldn't be more right! You are going to be here before I know it and I couldn't be happier! 

Yesterday we had quite the scare...It was a rainy morning and I had quite the fall on our patio. I was taking out the trash and Maisy came around the corner at full speed from behind me and took me out! She swept both of my legs out from under me and I came crashing down..literally! My right hip and elbow took the brunt of the fall but everything seemed to hurt. I laid on the wet tile (stupid slippery Spanish tile) and was bawling; I thought I broke my arm! 

I went upstairs, of course crying the whole way (lol), and got your Daddy out of bed and told him what happened. Of course he was concerned and comforted me and told me to lay down. I kept repeating that I was fine, and that I just wanted to make sure you were ok! He urged me to call my Dr. and I told him that I would, that I was going to monitor your movements before I jumped the gun. 

He made me a peach and mango smoothie and I headed off to work a lil' while later. I was closely monitoring any movement by you and didn't feel you for almost an hour and a half! This is when I freaked! I called the Dr. as soon as I got into work at 9am and was told I needed to come in and be checked. I jumped in the car, called your Daddy, and cried nearly the entire way to his office. Your sweet Daddy insisted on going with me (love that man) and I was so happy he did because he comforts me like no one can. 

The NP checked your heart rate and it was super strong. I cannot emphasize enough how AMAZING it was to hear you!! At this point I had felt you move a hand full of times so my worries were lessening. She did tell me that I tore several ligaments in my stomach, bruised my ribs, and elbow/hip, but that she thought everything was ok with you! She ordered me to go to the hospital to have additional testing done just to make sure everything was ok and that my placenta didn't separate, and that we didn't exchange blood. 

I called my mom to ask her to relieve Savanna from babysitting Jax and she insisted on coming to the hospital for extra support (love her), so your Papa went to our house to hang with J until we were done. 

The hospital gave us a NST and monitored your heart rate, movement, and contractions. Thank GOD (he is so good) that everything was great with you! The nurse said all the tests couldn't have gone any better! AMEN! I was a happy Mommy! 

Worried Mama
All your monitors 

We are still waiting on the results of the blood I gave. The blood work will tell us if you were bruised or injured, and if we exchanged blood. 

It was SO crazy being admitted into a Labor and Delivery room, putting on a grown etc. It brought back SO many memories of when I delivered your brother, and made it feel SO real! I can't believe you are almost here!!! Eek!! 

I love you SO much and am SO happy you are happy and healthy in my belly! 

Thinking if you every second of every day! 



Monday, March 6, 2017

Wedding Bliss

Morning Bambina, 

Happy 28 week womb day!!!! You are getting so big so quick and I have been enjoying feeling you moving around in my tum every day! You really groove at times, but you rest often too. You do not seem to be as active as your brother was when he was in my belly; I am hoping it is a sign that you will be a little more mellow than he is (Lord knows he keeps me busy, bless his little heart!). 

As usual, we have been busy busy busy! We did have some time to sneak away to a wedding over the weekend however. Your Granddad and soon to be Grandma watched J while Mommy and Daddy celebrated the union of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Roberson. We had SO much fun dancing the night away! Your Daddy and I rarely leave J at night, we usually keep our dates during the day, so this was a nice treat for us! We love being with J, as we will with you too, so we hate leaving him. Plus, we aren't the type of parents to pawn our kids off on other people all the time. ;) Life goes too fast and you guys are the most important things to us so we never want to miss a moment! 

Feeling the love

The dudes
Love my girls (including the one in my belly)

Love our family!
We love you!
So do they..
Being silly

We all had a blast dancing to the 80's band and eating yummy ribeye steak(Mommy's favorite this pregnancy). I hope you weren't too jumbled around while I was shaking my "Boov" thang (inside joke with your brother). :) 

Speaking of your brother, he had fun hangin' with your gramp and gram, eating pizza, ice cream, and playing playing playing! 

Coloring with gramps
Pizza time with gram
Eating ice cream wouldn't be the same without Granddad's hat 

Just because he is SO cute I had to add this pic :)

We are dying to know what you will look like! I can't believe you will be here in 11 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I CANT WAIT TO KISS YOU!..believe me, you will get LOTS-just ask your bro!  

I love you beyond measure! 
