Tuesday, September 30, 2014

8 Weeks Down..32 To Go!

                        HAPPY 8 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!! 

                                                   I'm very excited if you can't tell

                                  Cupcake necklace just for you! 

                                          Lil' belly pooch! 

                                                                  8 WEEK UPDATE
                           Cravings: Mexican, salty food
                      Things I miss the most: Hot baths, hot dogs, deli meat  
                      Symptoms: Nauseous,tired, Food tastes different
                      Moody?: Ya..Sorry B! What?, not all the time ;) 
                      Ring On or Off?: On (except in these pics I just noticed) haha                                                                   

                                                           ....starting to see you!

                                               I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apple of My Eye

Hello my cupcake,

You got to tag along while your daddy and I picked apples in Oak Glen on Saturday. Your papa, gaga, auntie Kortney, auntie Karington, uncle Trent, and cousin Hudson came along too. We had such a great time picking apples off the trees, walking around the cute town, and shopping (of course). I can't wait to bring you next year!

Oak Glen has acres and acres of apple orchards, and during the Fall season the public is allowed to pick from them (at a hefty price of course).  It's a pretty neat experience to pick the apples straight from the trees instead of off of a shelf at the grocery store. I plan on using the apples in your daily juice, so I hope you like them! You didn't seem to have any objections to the gigantic caramel apple that I ate, so that must be a good sign. :)

I am just glad we came home with apples at all; they kept making their way into your daddy, uncle, and cousins mouths instead of the box!

I am happy to report that you didn't seem to mind the Taco Joes (best Mexican food restaurant) that we ate at on our way home either. I know...I couldn't resist. :) Gaga says that when her and grandpa used take me there as a baby I would eat the salsa with a spoon. Maybe you like it like your mommy does!..Fingers crossed!

I love you more than all the apples in the world (plus infinity more),


                                                   Family fun! Minus your missing uncles

                                                    Your daddy and cousin eating all the apples                                                      
                                                      Auntie Kari and trouble making Gaga

                                                                  Papa helping Hudson

                                                           Mommy, Daddy and Cupcake
                                                 So short I can only reach the bottom ones

Don't worry, Daddy can get the top

                                                                    We love you!

                                                             Pregger sisters with Papa and Gaga!

Friday, September 26, 2014

It is Great to Finally Meet You

Hello my sweet baby,

I am your mommy. Your daddy and I got to meet you yesterday and it was the most special day of our lives. Although you are a lil' peanut right now, you are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. You are officially 7 weeks and 6 days old today! According to my iPhone app, What to Expect, you are the size of a "sweet raspberry". We are expecting you to make your official arrival into the world on May 3rd, 2015. Trust me when I say I am counting down the days (219 days to be exact). I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your precious face.

Seeing you in my tummy yesterday and watching your little heart beat brought tears to my eyes. Your Grandma, aka Gaga thanks to your cousin Hudson, got to meet you too (you will love her..she is a spoiler ;)). She must have rubbed off on us because like her, daddy and I  have gotten you A LOT of presents already.

You daddy and I have nicknamed you Cupcake, which is so fitting because you really are the sweetest thing! I have been sporting a cupcake necklace in your honor. :)    

I hope that you are nice and cozy in my belly, and I promise to do everything I can to make sure it is a comfy home for you for the next 7 months. That being said, I will do my best to cut down on the spicy food (you don't seem to like it much) even though it is my favorite. :)  

I feel so blessed that God chose me to be your mommy. I am excited to teach you to love, trust and glorify Him in all that you do. I thank God for you everyday and will continue to for the rest my life.

I love you so much my sweet raspberry cupcake.  


                                             Your first photo. Thank you Gaga for the frame!