Tuesday, September 30, 2014

8 Weeks Down..32 To Go!

                        HAPPY 8 WEEKS AND 3 DAYS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!! 

                                                   I'm very excited if you can't tell

                                  Cupcake necklace just for you! 

                                          Lil' belly pooch! 

                                                                  8 WEEK UPDATE
                           Cravings: Mexican, salty food
                      Things I miss the most: Hot baths, hot dogs, deli meat  
                      Symptoms: Nauseous,tired, Food tastes different
                      Moody?: Ya..Sorry B! What?, not all the time ;) 
                      Ring On or Off?: On (except in these pics I just noticed) haha                                                                   

                                                           ....starting to see you!

                                               I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. HARDLY!! I don't see a baby bump lol :) Congratulations to you and Brian. I am SO excited for you guys and I can't wait to meet your sweet little cupcake and eat him/her up.....I love me some baby :) and this is such a cute idea you're doing for your little cupcake. So glad Elaine and Brian shared it with me so I can keep tabs on your growing family ;) Sorry you were feeling under the weather today and we missed you....morning sickness is awful (I had it TERRIBLY) but nothing a lil retail therapy can't fix right?! Lol Well take care of you and that precious baby, I look forward to seeing all your posts! Lots of love!
