Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apple of My Eye

Hello my cupcake,

You got to tag along while your daddy and I picked apples in Oak Glen on Saturday. Your papa, gaga, auntie Kortney, auntie Karington, uncle Trent, and cousin Hudson came along too. We had such a great time picking apples off the trees, walking around the cute town, and shopping (of course). I can't wait to bring you next year!

Oak Glen has acres and acres of apple orchards, and during the Fall season the public is allowed to pick from them (at a hefty price of course).  It's a pretty neat experience to pick the apples straight from the trees instead of off of a shelf at the grocery store. I plan on using the apples in your daily juice, so I hope you like them! You didn't seem to have any objections to the gigantic caramel apple that I ate, so that must be a good sign. :)

I am just glad we came home with apples at all; they kept making their way into your daddy, uncle, and cousins mouths instead of the box!

I am happy to report that you didn't seem to mind the Taco Joes (best Mexican food restaurant) that we ate at on our way home either. I know...I couldn't resist. :) Gaga says that when her and grandpa used take me there as a baby I would eat the salsa with a spoon. Maybe you like it like your mommy does!..Fingers crossed!

I love you more than all the apples in the world (plus infinity more),


                                                   Family fun! Minus your missing uncles

                                                    Your daddy and cousin eating all the apples                                                      
                                                      Auntie Kari and trouble making Gaga

                                                                  Papa helping Hudson

                                                           Mommy, Daddy and Cupcake
                                                 So short I can only reach the bottom ones

Don't worry, Daddy can get the top

                                                                    We love you!

                                                             Pregger sisters with Papa and Gaga!

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