Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I Love You "Berry" Much!

Hello my darling baby,

Mommy is feeling pretty under the weather today. Not because of you, it seems that I have caught a cold. I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, and absolutely no energy.

I pray that you are not affected by this, and that you are healthy and peaceful in my belly! I promise that I am doing everything in my power to rid your home of these yucky germs! I called my doctor (who you will meet in 7 months) and she said that you will be fine! SO happy!

I did however get a great surprise that lifted my spirits in the middle of my "woe is me" day... 

This little box of heaven showed up on our door step, compliments of your grandma and grandpa Dean (I have the BEST in laws)! I am in love with chocolate covered strawberries, and Shari's Berries makes the best ones! Don't worry cupcake, you will get to taste one them for dessert!

Along with these delicious treats, they also sent me a very generous gift card to HomeGoods (one of my favorite places) for my 30th bday coming up (insert sad face here). I cannot wait for you to get to meet them! I know you will love them as much as I do! 

Heres to a night of orange juice, rest, and strawberries :) 

I love you, 


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