Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cupcake The Bucking Bronco

Hi my Cupcake love, 

Today was the BEST day because your Daddy and I got to see you again!   

We started the day by going to our 12 week checkup (even though you are only 11 weeks and 5 days old..close enough) with our regular Doctor. We were excited to hear that everything seemed to be progressing smoothly and we were SO excited when we got to hear your heart beat for the first time! Our Doctor said that it was beating in the 150's and sounded very healthy! :) 

          Waiting for the Dr...wishing she would hurry..your Daddy was starting to           play with her gadgets..thanks for offering to check my ears Husband ;)

 Mommy got her flu shot (yuck) before we headed out.  

We stopped for some Del Taco breakfast burritos (Mommy's favorite) before heading to our second appointment with the Prenatal Specialist.Gaga met us at the hospital so she could see you too. My Cupcake, how you have grown! You are SO big compared to the first time that we saw you! The first time we met you you were a tiny little peanut (cutest one ever I might add) and we couldn't clearly make out any of your features. This time we could see you SO clearly! You are the most beautiful thing that we have ever seen!!

You are definitely my child because you were putting on a show and being quite the lil' ham! You were wiggling all around, bucking your body (seriously was so cute), touching your head, opening your mouth, and what looked like, trying to suck your thumb (or fingers, like your Mommy did). Your Daddy and I were of course crying! We are so proud to be your parents! 

                              Look at your adorable profile!! You are so dang cute! 

               Close up of your precious face. Your hand is going for your mouth :)

After we had our fun watching you play, the Doctor gave us the results of the screening that she performed during the sonogram (and the results of the blood work screening). We were SO SO SO elated to hear that you have less than a ONE percent chance of having Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome! Daddy and I immediately started crying tears of joy! Thank you Lord for answering our prayers and protecting our Cupcake!    

                                                  Daddy, Mommy and Cupcake

                                                    Gaga loves you so much! 

Your Daddy and I went to Wood Ranch for lunch before we went back to work and we couldn't stop talking about you and looking at your pictures the whole time! We both agreed that seeing you playing in my belly today was the best thing we have ever experienced! 

Thank you for making us so happy! We love you beyond words! 


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