Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Getting To Know Your Daddy

Hello my sweet baby,

I thought I would tell you a little about your Daddy today. You know him as Daddy, but his real name is Brian. He is such a wonderful man and I could not imagine my life without him. I know he is going to be the BEST Daddy to you and I know you will love him as much as I do!

                                                            Your handsome Daddy

He is so excited to meet you and like Mommy, is counting down the days until you are here. When I told him I was pregnant he immediately started crying because he was so happy! He was so excited that he told me to hop in the car so we could go buy you presents (score)! Now, this is not like your Daddy! He does not like to shop, he leaves that up to your Mommy! :) He walked around the store with a sparkle in his eyes. He still has that sparkle to this day!

He was raised by wonderful parents in Hesperia, CA. He has a kind heart like his mom and an playful personality like his dad. His sister, Danielle has two beautiful daughters (Olivia and Quinn) and a very sweet husband named Ryan. Your Cousin Olivia is two years old and your Cousin Quinn is only a couple of months old! I am so excited that you will have Cousins so close to your age to play and grow up with!

                                         Happy Birthday month to you too Queen Olivia!

Your adorable Cousin Quinn
                                                     Clearly she wasn't as happy as we were ;)

Your Daddy's brother Isaac is married to your sweet Aunt Sarah. They live in Arizona and I wish we could spend more time with them! We will just have to make extra trips to AZ once you arrive. :) Your Grandma Elaine and Grandpa Perry are like second parents to me and I love them very much! I am forever thankful to them for raising the man of my dreams!

  Uncle Ryan, Aunt Danielle, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Isaac 

                                                                           The Deans

Grandma and Mommy

Grandpa and Daddy (Great photo bomb Aunt Danielle)

Your Daddy grew up playing sports. He played everything from soccer, baseball, tennis, football, to badminton! If it is a sport, your Daddy will want to play (or watch) it! He definitely has a passion for all things sports and he is exited to put you in them when you are old enough.

Your Daddy is my best friend! He makes me laugh everyday and has such a fun outlook on life. He is playful and kind hearted, charismatic, adventurous, driven, romantic, goofy, and SO loving. He makes me feel special everyday and is always putting my comfort above his own. I love that he loves the Lord and that he is excited to teach you about Him.

Your Daddy is not only all of these wonderful things, he is also a hero! He served as a U.S. Marine for four years and sacrificed his life to fight for the freedom of our country.  His selflessness is one of the MANY qualities that I love about him! I am so blessed to call him Husband!

I cannot wait for you to meet him! He has half my heart, and you have the other!

I love you,


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