Tuesday, October 21, 2014

11 Week Development

Hi my sweet lil' Cupcake, 

Welcome to 11 weeks! All your hard work last week grew you a whole half an inch! Your are now a little more than two inches long, or the size of a lime according to What to Expect. Definitely an improvement from a prune! :) 

I wonder if you have decided to be a girl or a boy? Although Mommy and Daddy won't be able to find out for 10 or so more weeks, you are either developing your ovaries or testes this week! 

Your hands and feet are now in front of your body, and your little ears are almost in their final shape. You now have an open nasal passage on your little nose, and a tongue in your mouth (so cute and tiny)! This week hair follicles are also forming on your head and body (I wonder if you will be bald like Mommy was). 

You now have individual fingers and toes (adios froggy ones)! You can also stretch, do somersaults, and forward rolls! How awesome is that?! Hope your having fun flipping away! :)  

Mommy is feeling pretty good this week; no more nausea (thank you Jesus)! I have been feeling a little light headed/fog headed lately though. I still need to potty all the time, and I have been pretty tired. All is worth it for you my love! 

I am SO looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days!! Praying for your comfort and healthy growth this week! 

I love you limey :) 


11 weeks pregnant almost over the first trimester e1357201976507 11 Weeks Pregnant  Almost Over The First Trimester Hurdle  

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