Monday, October 27, 2014

We All Scream for Ice Cream

Hi my sweet Cupcake,

Mommy is still recovering from all the cake and ice cream I ate at your 2nd cousin Tatum's 1st birthday party on Saturday (well that and the pumpkin pie your daddy and I devoured last night)!

Your GG (Great Grandma) and Great Grandpa were at the party too, and since we don't get to see them often (they live in Arizona) it was an extra special treat!

Auntie Kari, the bday girl and Mommy

Auntie Kari, Gaga, Tatum, Mommy

 Daddy and Tatum

Daddy, GG, Mommy, Gaga photo bombing us :)

Gaga jumping in the bounce house..yep, she is a big kid! 

Toe touch

Thinking of you every second of every day!  

I love you, 


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