Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10 Week Development

Hi Cupcake, 

You are a busy bee this week! You are 10 weeks and 3 days old today and hard at work developing your sweet little body. 

You are about an inch and a half now, and according to What To Expect, you are the size of a prune (couldn't they have picked something cuter..?). Well my cute little dried plum :) you are really starting to take on a human shape now! 

Your bones and cartilage are forming this week, and your knees and ankles are developing. Your little arms now have elbows that you can bend (no punching mommy when I eat Mexican please) and your teeth are starting to form under your gums! 

Your tummy is now producing digestive juices and your kidneys are producing more urine (if this adds to all the urine your mommy is producing we are doomed). Your intestines, brain, and liver are starting to function and tiny nails are starting to form on your fingers and toes (how cute). Peach fuzz hair is beginning to grow on your precious skin too.    

And...if you are a boy, you are producing testosterone! I wonder if it will make me feel macho? ;) My uterus is the size of a grapefruit now (TMI?) which explains my visible pooch (and here I was thinking it was the burger overload ;)).  

Fetal Development Week 10
                                       10 Weeks

I can't wait to see you next week! I love you Cupcake (prune flavored and all) :) 


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