Thursday, October 2, 2014

Hello October

Happy Thursday my cupcake,

Fall is in the air! Well sort of, it is still 90 degrees after all! I can't help but be excited for all things October; leaves on the ground, chunky sweaters, Halloween costumes, and my birthday of course! Bring on the pumpkin pancakes, muffins and pies! I have been so busy lately that it didn't even occur to me that we said adios to summer and hello to fall! That is until you doggy so cleverly reminded me..

I took Banx to the vet today because your daddy and I noticed a weird growth on his back during his weekly bath. Of course I panicked, looked on the computer for answers (I know I shouldn't do this because it never works in my favor), and was positive that he had a tumor. Needless to say I was out of my mind worried!

After his examination his vet gave me the GREAT news that he did not have a tumor, she said that he had a...

WART! A wart?! Eww great news! This however made me think of witches, which made me think of pumpkins, which made me think of fall! So, thank you Banx and your so in season wart.

Meet Banx...
He is looking for a way to escape(he does not like the vet)

He does like to dress up..


Banx likes fall too! 

I was inspired to make a festive dinner to get into the spirit(s)...see what I did there? ;)

                                                            Jack-o-lantern burgers!

                                Thank you hubby for bbqing me a festive treat 

                         Would not be complete without the Red Robin fries/rings

I hope you enjoyed the pumpkin burgers as much as I did my sweet baby!

I love you!


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