Friday, October 10, 2014

Screening and Screaming

Yay for Friday, and YAY for you officially turning 10 weeks old tomorrow! 

Today I got my blood drawn for my 1st trimester screening.This screening offers early information about chromosomal conditions that you may or may not be at risk for. The blood screening is just the first step in the testing. The second step is done by an ultrasound, which I will get done in a couple of weeks. 

Everyone who knows me knows I DESPISE getting my blood drawn! But for you my cupcake I will do anything! :)

Needless to say I was still shaking in my boots!...

                                               In the parking lot being a chicken

                                                          Still pouting..waiting to get poked
                                                                     Here goes nothin'...


Since I wasn't rewarded with a sucker (what's up with that?!) I decided to do a lil' shopping to make myself feel better! I came home with a super cute maternity shirt and new bathing suit. :) 

Your daddy and I are going to have a low key night tonight. On the agenda: jammies, takeout, and renting movies! Sounds like the perfect night to me! :) 

Happy last day of 9 weeks! 



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