Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thirty Flirty and Thriving San Francisco Style

Hi Cupcake, 

Its official, your mommy is 30 years old young! Your daddy and I celebrated my big day in San Francisco. We had the BEST time; my face still hurts from smiling so much! If you marry your best friend, like mommy and daddy did, you are guaranteed to always have fun together! 

A special thank you to all my wonderful family and friends for the birthday wishes (and goodies).I couldn't be more thankful for all of you! 

Your grandpa helped kick off my birthday celebration on Friday when he so generously treated your daddy and I to one of our favorite restaurants, Wood Ranch! I hope you enjoyed the tri-tip, mash potatoes, and mac-n-cheese as much as I did! Wood Ranch is not only delish, it is also special to your daddy and I because they catered our wedding. 

Your mommy's daddy 

Plates were licked clean

Pre-birthday wish for you (can't tell or it won't come true)

On Saturday we left our house at 5 a.m. to drop Banx off at gma and gpa Dean's (BEST babysitters ever)and started our 6 hour drive up North. We had so much fun talking, dancing (mostly me) and laughing the whole way (well, except when I was napping..sorry B!). 

Hello San Francisco! 

As soon as we parked at the pier we headed straight for the world famous Boudin's, which I had been craving for weeks! Their clam chowder (in the perfect sourdough bowl) had been the topic of my conversations with many (including my doctor who gave me permission to eat it...yes, I asked :)) for quite some time. It was definitely worth the wait! 

Clearly I was excited! 

  Good til the last drop (yes, I ate every bit of it)  

Crab bread

 After my tummy was full stuffed (sorry about that Cupcake) we walked along the pier, watched all the crazy street performers (which included a really angry Elmo..I think he needed to be tickled), and did a lil' souvenir shopping. 

Walking along the pier

Biggest sucker I have ever seen! 

Of course we couldn't leave without going to Ghirardelli town to taste some chocolate and eat some ice cream! 

Watch out chocolate,  here we come! 

Now that is ice cream! 

We ended the day by driving down the famous Lombard street, checking out Mrs Doubtfire's house, and watching the sunset from a street overlooking Alcatraz. 

Lombard Street

Can you see Alcatraz?

Shadow kisses from me and daddy to you! 

Love you, 


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