Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hello my precious cupcake, 

I hope you are nice and comfy in my belly on this hot day! I am so looking forward to cooler weather, it is still in the high 80's/90's here even though it is October! 

I thought we would get some relief from this heat when we went up North but was disappointed when we were greeted with 90 degree weather! On Sunday (my actual bday) we went to the 49er football game!! And boy(or girl) did we have fun! 

Your daddy has been a 49er fan since he was a kid so going to the game was extra special to him! We both love the team and we never miss a game! They played Kansas City, whose quarterback used to be the 49ers until good ol' Kaepernick came along so the game was pretty exciting. 

The whole day was so perfect! We slept in, walked to the delicious Whispers Cafe where we ate a yummy breakfast, and headed to the game. When I got out of the shower, your daddy surprised me with a decorated hotel room. :) 

                  Thanks hubby, you always know how to make me feel special!

   Daddy even got you a present!..Cupcake onesie that says, 
"I'm so sweet"

After I soaked in the surprise (I saved the present opening until after dinner) we were off to the game. We took the train which was cool for me because I have never ridden on a train (your daddy has never ridden on one in the US)! 

                                                       Daddy waiting at the train stop

                                                   I think we got on the right train...

                                                            Levi's stadium here we come

Go Niners!

 Our seats were AWESOME! 

Watching the team practice

Practicing before the game

Game time!!!!!! 

Lets go Kap! 

Sea of red..

We WON! 22 to 17!!


What a GREAT time! 

Checking out the new stadium

Daddy sadly saying goodbye

We finished the night off by eating at Johnny Rockets (you were craving a burger), eating cheesecake and carrot cake, and of course opening presents (thanks B for spoiling me). All in all it was the PERFECT birthday! I am truly blessed! 

                      Cheese fries at Johnny Rockets..pre cheeseburger)

I am SO excited for you to be here next year to join in on my birthday celebrations!! 

30 candles, and 30 million wishes for you! 

I love you! 


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