Friday, October 17, 2014

Getting To Know Mommy

Hi Cupcake,

It's Mommy, or as the world knows me, Ami (you don't have permission to call me that though). ;) I thought it would be fun to tell you a little about me today.

I was raised by such amazing parents. I had a very privileged childhood and now that I am an adult I see how fortunate I truly was. I hope to be able to give you as much, if not more, than I had growing up. Your Daddy thinks this will be hard to do. ;)

 Mommy and Gaga
                                *Excuse the blurry pictures..I will change when I get a new usb cord

Grandpa, Daddy, Mommy

Grandpa and Mommy 

I have two brothers (Tyler and Tanner), and two sisters (Kortney and Karington).  They are each so special to me and I am so lucky to be so close to all of them!

                                                          Mommy and Uncle Ty

                                                  Daddy, Uncle Tanner, and Mommy

                                                          Auntie Kari and Mommy

                                   Uncle Tanner, Uncle Tyler, AuntieKari, Adopt-an-Aunt Savannah,
                                           Daddy, Mommy, Great Gma Charlie, Gaga, and Papa

Your Mommy is definitely a girly girl! I love pink, sparkles, high heels, and playing dress up. I starting dancing at a studio starting at 3 years old, and was also in gymnastics and cheer leading growing up. I can't wait to put you in all these sports (if your a girl... your Daddy says no way if your a boy)  :). I got my love of all things girly from your Gaga (thank you), and hope to pass it onto you (if you are a girl of course).

                                                                   The girly girls!

I went to Cal State University of Fullerton (go Titans!) and received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics in 2007. I also obtained my Real Estate License, and CCRM after college. I am employed as a Property Manager and love my job! I thank my parents for instilling (and paying for) the importance of education in me, because without it I would not be able to do what I do. Don't worry, your Daddy and I will drill it into your head as well! :)

All in all I live a blessed life! I am grateful to be able to bring you into such an amazing family!

I love you my sweet Cupcake!



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