Monday, October 13, 2014

Let Them Eat Cake

Hi my sweet Cupcake,

We had such a fun time celebrating my bday with Gaga, Papa, Auntie Kari, Uncle Tanner, Uncle Ty, Auntie Kortney, Uncle Trent, and your Cousin Hudson on Saturday.

We started the festivities by going to a yummy breakfast. After breakfast was present time!!!..

                                                                 Always so spoiled!

                                             "Seven" maternity jeans!! SO exciting!

Mommy got the CUTEST stuff! I will definitely be bumping it up in style!! Thank you Gaga for picking out all the fabulous clothes!..and thank you Papa for paying for them ;)

After I opened all my presents we headed out to do my favorite :) The guys were great sports and walked around Bass Pro Shop while us gals shopped for more maternity clothes. Your Auntie Kortney is pregnant too (your cousin will be here 3 weeks before you) so we both snagged some great pieces. I came home with an adorable dress that I can't wait to wear (thanks Papa and Gaga).

The rest of the day was spent laughing and hanging around Papa and Gaga's house. We had a yummy Italian dinner and then ate my all time favorite cake; confetti with pink frosting! Gaga has made it for me every year for as long as I can remember! No birthday would be complete without it!

                                   Clever candles thanks to Gaga and your Daddy
                                                 8 x 4 - 2

Happy bday month to me! 

Triple decker

The master baker herself with Daddy

We finished the night off with no other way than a bubble blowing contest :)

 Gaga had me beat! 

Don't worry..Daddy kicked her booty! 

Even though I lost the contest (I don't like losing) I was proud that your Daddy represented for us!..What a stud ;) 

Confetti and pink frosting kisses to you! 

I love you, 



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