Friday, May 1, 2015

The Final Countdown

Hi my angel, 

This might be Mommy's last post for awhile because you can come ANY DAY! You due date is officially 8 days away (YIPPIE) and we couldn't be more excited! :) 

Yesterday I went for my weekly Doctor checkup and ended up in the hospital!! While listening to your heartbeat the Doctor said that it was lower than normal (between 110-115..which is still normal..just "low normal") so she sent me to the hospital to get checked out. She said she wanted to make sure everything was okay with you and that you aren't too big! I asked what would happen if everything wasn't okay and she said, "then you will be coming home with your baby today"!..It got real!! 

I was obviously anxious, I called your Daddy who was frantic (lol) and I had to calm him down haha. So I got admitted to a bed, hooked up to a bunch a monitors, and got an ultrasound. The nurse checked me (OUCH!!!..she made me sit on my hands because I was being a baby and scooting away from her) and said that I wasn't dilated. I asked her if I could get an epidural before she checked me again..she wasn't amused.

Thank God that your heartbeat was just fine and you were moving normally! :) She was monitoring my contractions as well and said that I was getting quite a bit of them! She said that I could be in the early stages of labor! Yowza! 

It was funny because when the nurse did your first ultrasound (I got two), she was looking specifically for your movement, you started teasing her. Haha, my little joke-ster! You were moving a ton the entire time we were being monitored and when she started the ultrasound..silence. She started shaking my belly and trying everything to get you to move for a good 3-5 minutes and you just stayed perfectly still. Then she busted out this machine that makes a loud and annoying buzzing sound and as soon as she put it on my belly to wake you up you started grooving again! She didn't have the chance to even turn it on! It was hilarious!..We both had a good laugh about it! :) Oh how I love you! 

The second ultrasound was more in depth; 30-40 minutes. The Doctor looked at all your organs, measured your bones, and assessed your weight. She said that everything looked great and that she estimated you are around 8 pounds and 3 ounces! DANG! You little chunker! :) No wonder you don't want to come out..your nice and fat and happy in my belly! :) 

After the final ultrasound, we were hooked up to the monitors once again for our final assement. After another 30 minutes my Doctor said we could go home! Hooray! I was happy you didn't come just becasue we still havent gotten everything ready for your arrival! We have gotten almost everything ready except for packing your Daddy's hospital things, installing your carseat, and finishing laundry for when you come home...we will be doing all of that tonight! :)

I am however hoping you come soon! A. I can't wait to finally get my hands on you and B. I am SO uncomfortble! Mty swelling has made its reappearance (oh how I have NOT missed you, and my left hip is literally killing me! I have been in tears on multiple occasions because of it! Basically the Doctor's only advice..tuff it out! I can't take any pain medicine and since it is in my muscle there is nothing that can be done! Your Daddy has tried SO many times to massage it but the pain is so deep there is no getting to it! :( 

On a brighter note, our morning started out just splendidly today because we got to see you again! :) We had our final (well we will see) ultrasound this morning at the hospital! You are just the cutest little thing! Your Daddy got a kick out of you sucking your lips! :) The Doctor said everything looked great and she estimated your weight at 8 1/2 pounds! Wait a you gained  3 ounces in one night?!..Dang you chocolate brownie ice cream! Haha 

                                         Sucking your lips! 

We are curious to see how big you will really be when you come into this world! They better have my epidural turned up to MAX! 

I am SO excited to meet you in person SOON! I can't wait!!!!!!! Gets me teary eyed just thinking about it! 




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