Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Here We Go Again!!!

I'm Baaaack...

..and couldn't be more excited about it! Baby Dean #2 (!) coming soon!!!

I am elated, and SO very grateful, to have a new little bambino growing in my belly! For some reason, unknown to me, I have called you my bambino from the moment I found out you were in my tum..just seems to fit! :)

Well my little bambino, you are TWELVE weeks today! I cannot believe how fast the time is going! Between work, home, and your crazy brother, I haven't had a minute to breathe!..but, I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

Your Daddy and I couldn't be happier to welcome you into our family! We are already daydreaming about you and counting the days until you are here! I think your brother is starting to realize that you are in my belly because he will say, "baby," and kiss it (open mouth kiss of course!)..melts me every time! I  can't wait to see the two of you running around together! My heart is warm just thinking about it!

We can't wait to meet you! 

1st Ultrasound 
Your first photo!!

10 Weeks +4 Days

My belly is definitely bigger this go-around (they say it always is the 2nd time, oh joy). I am curious to see what other differences I will experience with you. So far, everything has been pretty similar. I am very excited to go on this journey with you! Get ready, it is going to be a wild ride!

I love you so much my little bambino!


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