Monday, November 21, 2016

Weekend Happenings

Hi my little Bambino! 

This weekend we laid low and hung around the house. I didn't feel too good unfortunately, and stayed on the couch most of the time. Well, I "supervised" your Daddy while he checked things off of his Honey Do List.  :) I felt a little dizzy and my stomach felt yucky. Just a side effect of cooking a baby, and worth every second! So, me, you, and your brother snuggled on the couch and watched movies (namely, Toy Story, and Minions..his fave!). 

He had a rough time at his first dentist appointment last week so he had an excuse to snuggle all weekend with us. 😉 Although he just had a routine cleaning, you would have thought he was getting a root canal! Needless to say he did NOT like his experience!..I haven't told him yet that he has to go back in a couple of months. 😐 
Before he knew what was about to happen. They even gave him a pair of shades to distract him..did not work! 

Not happy! 

Don't let your bro be the example! The dentist isn't bad at all! I actually like going. Dentist visits never bothered me, even when I was little!  It is important to keep up with regular visits so you don't have crusty teeth! No one likes crusty teeth..your future girlfriends or boyfriends will thank me later! Your Mommy is big on teeth, always have been, always will be! I even wanted to be a dentist when I was younger. Jax would probably cringe at that thought! Lol 

Playing with Daddy. 

One of  Jax's favorite things to do is touch the ceiling. It always puts a smile on his (and our) face! Your brother loves being thrown around by your Daddy. I'm sure you will too if you are anything like your brother! I love the thought of seeing you all running around the house roughhousing with your Daddy! 💜💜💜 I can hardly wait!..What else I can hardly wait for is getting to see you on Saturday! We have neonatal ultrasound and we are SO excited to get to see our little Bambino! Counting down the days!

I love you beyond measure! 


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