Monday, November 28, 2016


Well Bambino, another Thanksgiving came and went and I am happy to report that I stuffed our bellies as expected! We hosted it at our house this year and I am still cleaning up!

 It was so fun to get everyone (well, almost everyone) together to celebrate and grub down.

Love a tablescape! 

"So Very Thankful for You" cookies..It's all about the little details

Daddy working on his yummy mashed potatoes

Cheers! That ham though..

Some of the goods..ignore the snapchat photo! 

Grub time! 

Daddy is REALLY enjoying it!

So is your bro! 

Jax shoving a cookie in his mouth!..Typical! 

The four of us! I LOVE our family!
 All in all it was a great Thanksgiving! I am so grateful that we had so many wonderful people to celebrate with! God is GREAT and we are all extremely blessed.

I am thankful for you!

I love you,


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