Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I See You!


I can't believe how fast the time is going! Only 183 days until I get to snuggle you! Yippie!!!!!!!!!!!

On Saturday we got to see you and it made our day!! You are seriously SO stinkin' cute! I must have said, "Our baby is so cute" about a hundred times at our ultrasound!..The nurse was probably thinking, ok lady, we got it! But I didn't care, I will shout it from the roof top a hundred more times! Your little profile made me and your Daddy melt! You are ADORABLE! And of course, your heartbeat was music to our ears! We are very proud parents!

I mean, look at that profile! SWOON! 

You make us SO happy! 

The look of bliss!

After, we went over to Gaga and Papa's house to visit and share your photos with them, your aunties, uncles, and GG. We ate pizza and watched all the kiddos run around. 

GG and Mommy
GG and Jax
 Your brother was tuckered out after playing with your cousins, Health, Hudson, Tristan, Travis, Torin, Tyler, and Tatum, so he knocked out as soon as we got home! 


In other news I felt you move for the first time on November 23, 2016! We were lying in bed and I whispered to your Daddy (Jax was sleeping) that I felt you, but he didn't hear me because he was sleeping too. Womp womp. 

I felt you moving SO much yesterday too!! It is SO amazing feeling you flutter around in my tummy! I think you were dancing to the Christmas music that was playing in my car! Like mother like child children (your bro loves to dance too)!

I am excited for you to join in on our kitchen dance parties in 183 days!! Until then, continue practicing in my belly..your Daddy is always up for a battle! 😁 

I love you my little twinkle toes! 


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