Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Growing Bambino!

Well my sweet little Bambino, you are 15 weeks and 1 day old! Growing SO fast! Although they are long overdue, I have included my 13 week and 4 day progress photos below...

You are growing big right along with my growing belly! 

Love to you! 

Happy Mommy!

Size of a: LEMON!
Cravings: Kung pao noodles, Taco Bell (here we go again!)
Moody: YES! Sorry all!
Symptoms: Zitty (oh joy!..just like with your bro). Tired!
Missing: SANDWICHES!!!!!!

I am pretty much having the same symptoms and cravings as I was with your brother which makes me think you are a boy?! Your Daddy and I can't wait to find out!!!! Our appointment to find out is on 1/4/17. It will be the best new year present! Counting the days!!! 



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