Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tis the Season!

Hi Bambino, 

With Christmas fast approaching, things have been crazy! Holiday performance's, decorating, and shopping have kept us quite busy! This is your mommy's FAVORITE holiday and I am trying to soak it all in before it passes me by! I am so excited for you to be here next year, it will be even that much more special! 
Your brother helping me with the tree 

Jax LOVED helping us decorate the tree! It was really cute! He would hand us a single ball at a time until they were all on the tree! He did not stop the entire time we decorated both trees! Per usual, we jammed out to Christmas music while we decorated and we all boogied-down! Next year you will be here to boogie with us! Eek! 

Big helper

Daddy putting the tree topper on..excuse the horrible lighting! 

Surprisingly J has no intention of removing the ornaments from the tree, as we were scared he would. Instead, he says lots of, "Oh no's" when an ornament does fall off. He is always happy to put it back on the tree. :)

We decorated for close to two weeks! I have a lot of decorations..and we took a lot of breaks. :) I still have empty boxes that need to be put away! During one of our breaks we snuck away to go Christmas light hunting with your Granddad, Tine, auntie, uncle, and cousins. Brea has the greatest neighborhood that decorates to the 9s. It is fun to walk to bundle up and walk the streets as a family! 

The Crew
Please note Health's arms in this photo..your auntie layered him so much that he couldn't put his arms down! HAHA 

Your bro trying to get free..shocker! 
Terrible lighting but too cute not to post..Your Granddad loves you guys so much! 

Of course your brother wanted to roam freely the entire time. He was very upset that he couldn't because there were a lot of cars driving through the neighborhood. You can see him trying to escape in each photo..little turd! :) 

Point proven..

Point proven..

It has become our tradition to walk Christmas light hunt with our "crew." We look forward to it every year! I can't wait to take you next year! 

I LOVE YOU!!!!! 


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