Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dean Christmas Party

Hi Bambino! 

What a crazy couple of weeks we've had! Christmas came and went too fast, and as expected we were all spoiled too much! Between the parties and celebrations we didn't have a minute to relax. But that's what adds to the joy of the holidays! 

Every year we have an annual Christmas party with our Dean side and it is always a good time! This year your Grandpa and Grandma hosted the party at their house. Jax enjoyed playing with all the kiddos, opening presents, and meeting Santa again

Swinging with your bro 
Since your grandparents live in the Desert, it was freezing! The cold weather added to the festive mood of the day. 

Jax watching the boys playing 

We love you! 
After opening presents, playing the white elephant game, and eating, we headed over to a neighbors house to visit with Santa. 

Not sure what caught the kids attention? Maybe a reindeer?!

Your brother wasn't scared of Santa at all this time! He even gave him a high five! 
My boys! 
The four of us!
All in all it was a great night! Next year you will be able to get in on all the festivities! I love you beyond words can describe! Only ELEVEN days until we find out if you are a he or she!!!!!!!!! 

I love love love you, 


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