Friday, April 24, 2015

What's Up, Doc

Good Morning my almost fully baked Cupcake! :)

I got to see you yesterday at my Doctor's appointment! You are SO cute! I got to see your adorable little face (front view) and it filled me heart! I also got to see your little hands and fingers moving around, well as much as they could.. you are pretty cramped in my belly! :) And I got to hear and see your little heart beat! Swoon!   

The last few days I have been having a lot of cramping which is a sign that you are coming soon so the Doctor wanted to check to see if I was dilated at all.

I was scared to get checked because your Auntie told me that it hurts, and she was not lying! Yowza! She said that I am not dilated yet but that that could change at any time. When she did the ultrasound she said that she is estimating that you are around 6 1/2 to 7 pounds! That's a pound lighter than she thought last week when she measured my stomach! She said that I still have a ton of fluid which is why I am measuring so big. Good news!..I don't want you to be a 10 pounder! Ouch! 

She said that she will see me in a week, "if you're still pregnant..if not, I'll see you at the hospital".. Crazy! You can come any day and we are SO excited! 

We finally washed all of our clothes for the hospital, now we just have to officially pack them in our hospital bag. We also have to install your car seat in the car, wash your bassinet sheets, wash your blankets and clothes etc., and we will be all set and ready to go! Our plan is to tackle that this weekend! Of course your Daddy won't let me lift a finger so we have to do it together..which he wouldn't have any other way anyway! :)

I have to add that your Daddy is beyond excited for your arrival as well! I caught him pushing your stroller around has become a daily cute! 

                 Blurry shot..mid stride :)  Look how happy he looks! :)  

He has been so sweet throughout this whole process and I couldn't imagine not having him by my side every step of the way! He has been my rock! I can't wait to see you in his arms! We are so blessed God picked him for us! We are SO lucky! Thanks for always making me feel like a queen, B! You are the man of my dreams!  

15 DAYS UNTIL YOU ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...maybe sooner :)
...maybe later :( 



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