Thursday, April 9, 2015


Hi Cupcake love, 

We had a great time celebrating Easter with our family! Our Dean side came over for lunch and we went to Papa and Gaga's house for dinner. :) 


We had a yummy lunch and hung around our house during the day. Your cousins modeled for some adorable Easter pics..excited to get some of you next year on your first Easter! :) 

We got to Papa and Gaga's just in time for their annual egg hunt. The eggs are filled with money so all of the kiddos go crazy for them! Don't worry, next year Mommy and Daddy will help you hunt since you will only be about a year old! :) 

                                       Easter basket time! 

Every year your Papa and Gaga spoil your Daddy and I with an Easter basket! We got a lot of goodies in it as usual! :) Of course they didn't just spoil us with one, they spoiled you with one too (as if they don't spoil you enough)! I LOVE the little fedora hat and swim trunks they got you! You are going to look SO cute in them! They also got you a lot of cool toys and such cute bath toys! I love your whale tub too!..which served as the perfect basket! :) 

The Easter Bunny hides our family's baskets in the house every year and I cannot wait to see you hunt for yours in the years to come! Sometimes it would take us hours to find them when we were growing up!..He is a good hider! :) Thank goodness he leaves ours out in the open now that we are old! :) Your Auntie Booga and Uncle's had a hard time finding theirs this year. ha ha

                               Your cousin trying to jack our candy! :)   

I am off to my second Doctor's appointment for the week! Praying for good news! 

I love you my honey bunny! 


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