Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weekend Happenings

Good Morning my love, 

Only 17 days until your due date!!!! I cannot believe you will be here SO soon!! Your Daddy and I are beyond excited! :) We are busy trying to get everything ready for you! I planned on packing our hospital bag over the weekend but got caught up in so many other things that I didn't have the time. I definitely need to do this in the next few days though! I have everything for us bought and ready to go but I haven't washed everything in your special baby detergent yet. 

We your Daddy did however put all of your goodies together over the weekend! He was SO excited to put everything together! We had so much fun going through all of your stuff and imagining you using everything! We also finally  got all of your clothes, toys, bath stuff, etc. put away in its rightful place! You can actually walk in your room again! Yippie! :)

                   Your handsome Daddy putting your swing together

All of your stuff is so awesome! Your Daddy downloaded an app on his phone that allows us to control the movement, music, and whether the birds are chirping and lighting up (so cool) on your swing! The thing plays over 60 lullabies! Made me tear up when he was playing some of them! :) 

Gaga and Papa also dropped off your awesome stroller over the weekend so of course your Daddy put that together too! Your Daddy is SO excited for you to come, I keep catching him pushing your empty stroller around the house! Melts my heart! He says he "needs the practice" :) It's so cute! You are so blessed to have the best Daddy in the world! 

He also got practice holding your new precious Cousin over the weekend! 

I can't wait until that is you in his arms! Almost time!!! Eek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news, I went for my weekly Doctor visit last week and was told that everything is progressing just great! I got to hear your adorable little heart beat (swoon) and was told by the Doctor that she is estimating your weight at 7 and 1/2 pounds! Big boy! This number kind of freaked me out because this is the exact weight they told your Auntie that your Cousin was a few days before he was born and he ended up being 9.9!! 

I am hoping that her estimation was off since I have a lot of fluid in my tummy (which makes it look bigger). We will have a better idea of your size when we get to see you at your final ultrasound next week! So crazy that it is your final ultrasound!!..then we get to have you here in the flesh and won't ever have to see you through a monitor again!! :D 

                                   Pointing to my favorite boy! 

Our next checkup is tomorrow. Getting excited to hear you! Hopefully the Doctor will do an impromptu ultrasound! Fingers crossed!! 



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