Friday, April 10, 2015

Doctor Visit #2

Hi my precious baby, 

Great news! Yesterday I went for my second checkup in a week and the Doctor said that she does not think I have preecalmpsia!!!! Hooray!!! :) 

I lost four pounds of swelling since Monday and my blood pressure has been perfectly normal! Since she is no longer concerned with preeclampsia she cut my checkups to once a week again! :) 

                     2nd appointment in one week..not peace sign lol :) 

I still definitely have swelling, and am still retaining fluid but not nearly as bad as I was last week! She told me to keep doing what I am doing (limiting sodium) and continue to monitor my blood pressure daily. 

I am so thankful the Lord answered all of our prayers! He is GREAT! :) I'm SO happy that as of now you get to stay in my tummy and cook longer! You are getting so big! I can feel you so well! Today I could literally feel your whole was so cool! :) 

I can't wait to kiss your sweet little face! Only 29 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you with all of me! 


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