Friday, April 17, 2015

36 Weeks Down..4 To Go!!

HAPPY 36 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe you will be 37 weeks tomorrow!! You have definitely been hard at work tummy is HUGE! :) Your are now the size of a honey dew..I'm guessing the biggest one you can find in the grocery store! 

My Doctor said that there is still a ton of fluid in my tummy which is making it look so big! I'm hoping this is the case and you are not going to be a 12 pounder! Ouch! She said that you are nice and cushioned in your home though; at least one of us is comfortable! ;) 

                                36 Weeks and 5 Days in this pic!

                                  I am so in love with you!

Cravings: Everything I can't eat because I am limiting sodium. I would kill for some Taco Bell at this point! ;) Miguel's sounds pretty good right now too! 
Things I miss the most: Just being comfortable and feeling normal, Being able to sleep uninterrupted,Hands not being numb, Being able to sleep on my tummy, Not straining when turning over,bending down, getting up etc., Normal clothes! Being skinny! Vain?..maybe! ;) 
Symptoms: Carpal Tunnel, Swelling, Left hip is killing me, Feet hurt, Big everything, Braxton Hicks, Blotchy skin
Moody?: Occasionally, Can tolerate people less
Ring On or Off?: Off :( 
Coolest Thing: Knowing you are coming SO soon! Putting all your stuff and clothes away and imagining you in them! Daydreaming about what you will look like and how your personality will be! And of course feeling you all day everyday (favorite part)! I can't believe I will get to really feel you in just a few weeks! Eek!!! 

I AM BEYOND EXCITED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          These guys are super excited too! :)

We can hardly contain our excitement! We finally get to meet you in 22 days (maybe sooner?!)!!!! We think and talk about you every second of every day! We love you so much and are so proud to call you OUR SON! You have made us the happiest people alive! 

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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