Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Doctor's Visit

Hi Cupcake, 

I was so excited to get to see your cute little self yesterday at the Doctor's! As always my heart soars when I see you and hear your healthy heartbeat! :) 

The Doctor said that she is concerned about my swelling! It seems to get worse with each day! Normally when I wake up in the morning my swelling seems to be down and gets worse throughout the day. Yesterday though I woke up with crazy swelling! Not good! I stayed off my feet all day and even elevated them for half of the day but nothing helped. My swelling just got worse and worse and by the time I went to the Doctor's it was pretty bad (as it is at the end of most days). 

She did an ultrasound :) and said that I gained three pounds of fluid in one week! She said that this concerned her! She said that she is concerned that I am showing signs of preeclampsia which is not good for either of us (insert sad face here)! The good news is that my blood pressure was normal (thank God..high blood pressure is a sign of preeclampsia as well). She said that she wants to see me again on Thursday to closely monitor me. She said that it looks like I will have to visit her twice a week from now until you enter the world. She said that if I do have preeclampsia that she will have to deliver you like now! I want you to stay in my tummy and cook as long as possible so you are fully developed! Good thing is that your due date is only 32 days away! :) 

The Doctor advised me to check my blood pressure daily and said that if it gets up to 140/90 I have to go to the hospital right away! She also said that if I get even the slightest headache (or vision changes/dizziness), even if it is not alarming to me, that I have to go to the hospital immediately.She stressed this point! 

So today I have taken my blood pressure twice and it has gone up from 120/80 to 130/80. Praying it doesn't get any higher! I've also kept my feet elevated for the majority of the day and have had virtually no sodium since it contributes to swelling. From what I've researched a low sodium diet is having less than 2,000 milligrams a day and I have had only 150 milligrams today! I didn't have really any yesterday either..your Daddy spent an hour cooking us a DELICIOUS spicy chicken meal with lots of veggies for dinner..he is so good to us! :) Good news is that I woke up today two pounds lighter with little swelling so I think some of the fluid has gone bye bye! 

On another positive note it was SO wonderful to see you yesterday! I am SO excited that you will be here soon! You make me the happiest girl in the world! I love you SOOOOOO much! 

Thinking of you every second of every day!


P.S. Shout out to the birthday girl and boy; your beautiful Gramma and handsome doggy! :)      

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