Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekend Happenings

Hi my precious baby girl! 

Happy 23 week womb-day! You must know I'm writing to you because you just kicked me!..I LOVE feeling you move! You move quite often now, although not as much as your brother did (I hope this is a sign that you will be a bit calmer lol) so I revel in every movement. Your Daddy is starting to be able to feel you too!..The first time was last week! He gets SO excited too! 

You are now over 11 inches long and weigh over one pound! You will work hard in the coming weeks to double your weight..don't worry, I am happy to assist you in the process! ;)

The bug that's going around has hit our family hard so we took it easy over the weekend!  We ventured out on Saturday to do a little furniture shopping for you (didn't find anything) and hung out at Papa and Gagas for a bit. 

This was our Saturday night. In bed by 7:30 p.m. watching Jax's favorite movie, Home for the thousandth time, while I started a new Nick Sparks book (my favorite author).

On Sunday your Daddy, with the help of J, put your crib together while I finished cleaning out your room/closet, and hung up your clothes (swoon). Seeing your crib, and all the pink in your closet, makes my heart melt every time I walk into your room! I can't believe I get to meet you in just 17 weeks (maybe even sooner if I have a C-section!)!! Eek! 

I love this view! My boys!
Workin' hard for you princess!
J was so excited to help Daddy! He copied everything he did and helped screw in nearly every was REALLY cute! Don't worry, J tested it out for you by jumping in it after we put your mattress in! He approves! :) 

I can't wait to see you in it!!..Well lets see if you actually use yours..your Daddy says Jax's was just a "decoration" since he slept in it maybe 3 times. Ha ha. What can I say?.. I love having him snuggled with me, and I'm sure you will be no exception! Our next task is going to be transferring him into his big boy bed (which we are purchasing this week)..wish us luck, we are REALLY going to need it! 

I love you my little bambina! 


Monday, January 23, 2017

22 Week Womb Day

Happy 22 Week Womb-Day Princess!!

Sorry I haven't written you in awhile, things have been nuts recently! Between play dates, bringing Jax to work with me (Nanny was on vacay), putting away Chritmas decorations (yes, finally!), dodging this rain, hanging with family, being a mommy, being a wife, and cooking you, I barely have time to shower (luckily I do..your welcome husband)! 

A lot has happened recently, first off, I think we have narrowed down a name for you!! I have nearly cleaned out your room; it used to be a play room, and Mommy and Daddy's overflow of clothes storage area. We have also changed Doctors! I am so excited about the change, we love your new Doctor! 

I also gave blood for your 2nd trimester screening..
Last visit with your old Doc
My pretty little angel!
First visit with your new Doc
J grubbin' on Fruit-By-The-Foot..shocker! Waiting to see his sister..
Panera lunch date after

And these are long overdue..........................................................
20 Weeks, 5 Days
Mommy loves you! 

Look at that belly button!

Cravings: Jalapeno stuffed green olives (Stater Bros has the BEST!), cheese
Symptoms: Super dry skin, moody, tired, sciatic pain in lower back/hip (left side)
Your getting big!..Your new Doctor said you were already 12 ounces!
Kisses from Mommy
Kisses from Daddy too!
We can't WAIT to meet you!!!! 
We love you so much already! Only 18 weeks to go!!!!!!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Welcome 2017

 Happy New Year my sweet pea! 

2017 is going to be our best year yet! Not only do we get to be spoiled with love by your brother, but we will get to be spoiled by you too!!!!! We are are so blessed to have you both, and your Daddy and I couldn't be more thankful! #GodIsGood!!

Daddy, Jax, and I said goodbye to 2016 with a party of three at our house. And we wouldn't have had it any other way! We had fun watching the ball drop from the comfort of our couch! We wore our finest attire; jammies! It was a perfect way, with the most perfect people, to ring in the new year! 

J's favorite part of the celebration: banging pots and pans with Daddy

That face! 💙
 We had fun dancing in our kitchen, smooching, and singing along to one of Mommy's favorite songs, Drop it like it's Hot, by Snoop Dog after the ball dropped. I was quite surprised that we made it to animals! 

We kicked 2017 off by playing in the park. We love watching your bro run around and get so excited going down the slides and swinging! It makes us happy to see so much joy in him!..So it is a treat for all of us! Plus, your Daddy and I enjoy the walk there; we get to enjoy nature, chat, and squeeze in a little exercise. Pretty soon, my little Bambin-a, you will get to join in on the fun! 

Getting their swing on

NY kisses

The only way to get J to leave, without throwing a massive fit, is by bribing him with his all time favorite snack..minion fruit snacks! I'm not every time! 😃
We love you so much! 


Monday, January 9, 2017

Waddle it Be: He or She?

Good Morning my sweet pea! 

I am SO excited that we finally know what you are!!!! We had the big reveal on Saturday!!

We had our family over to celebrate with us...

Waddle it be?..

He or She?..

More goodies
Love the penguin balloons
Your anxious parents
Your beautiful Aunties

Gaga, Aunties, and Adopt-an-Aunt Carol
Granddad, Soon to be Gramma, and Adopt-an-Aunt Cheryl
Counting the minutes until we found out! 

Granddad and Soon-to-be Gramma
Papa and Carol


We could hardly stand the wait!!!! 

After we all anxiously visited, we anxiously ate lots of yummy food. The menu: Italian! We had pizza, lasagna, chicken fettuccine, bread, and salad. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! 

After we ate, everyone was literally chanting, "Pop the balloon, pop the balloon." I was soooooo excited to grant them their wish because I was DYING by this point! 

Team "She" 
A weak Team "He"
The four of us.......Soooooooo excited!!!
Of course I started crying even before we even pooped the balloon!....





We were SO excited to find out that you are a SHE! Daddy and I both cried and cried! We can't wait to meet you, our little princess! 

Your brother was celebrating too! 

He's excited too!

Everyone was So excited to find out that we will be welcoming a little girl into the family! You are already SO loved!...and spoiled! Everyone got you gifts, and as we were opening them, of course I cried! I'm just SO excited!!! Some even got two different presents, one for a girl and one for a boy, and gave us the present according to the reveal! So the gifts were so cute and girly, and your Mommy lost it! I cannot wait to pick your name, decorate your nursery, shop for cute clothes, and dress you up, put you in dance and cheer I getting carried away?..I think not! I have been picturing what your sweet little face will look like since we got the news! I can't wait to kiss it!!! 

We are SO blessed to welcome you into our family! 
We love you SO much Bambin-A!!!!! You have a hearts wrapped around your precious finger already! Oh just wait, Daddy is going to be putty in your hands! 

Glitter and bows here we come! 


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Merry Christmas

Well Bambino we officially have the envelope with your gender on it in hand!!! Well not quite in hand, it is tucked securely away in your Daddy's glove box! As soon as we received it your Daddy snatched it away so I wouldn't peek. And I must say I am dying to..but I won't. I am however counting the minutes (and seconds) till we get to find out on Saturday!! 

The nurse was really careful not to say anything alluding to your gender. Probably because we drilled it into her head not to! Lol!

We loved getting to see you during our hour long ultrasound! You were moving all are quite the little mover! You were bouncing all around and the nurse even had a hard time getting some of the images she needed! Your heart rate was the hardest for her to nail was 133. 

We left with the cutest pictures of you..

You are SO cute!!!! 

Your adorable little feet! 

My baby!!!!! 
Getting to see you was the best Christmas (post-Christmas) present! Speaking of Christmas..we can't wait until you are apart of it next year! As expected, your brother (and your Daddy and I, I'm not going to lie) was spoiled! 

Jax waiting for Santa 

All of this was your brothers!..Santa sure did deliver!

Checking out one of his new coloring books..he loves to color!
J sitting at his new Ninja Turtle table
Diggin' his new Niner hat!
Not only did we all get gifts upon gifts, we also got a new puppy!!! 

Meet Maisy
This pic was taken at Nanny's house..she babysat her for a couple of days, and I snuck away while Daddy and Jax were sleeping on Christmas morning to pick her up for the big surprise.

Jax got to meet her a couple days before Christmas when we picked her up from the breeder.

J checking her out
Mommy was in love

Daddy was in love too

Maisy was in love too
Blessed indeed!
Christmas Kisses..swoon! 
After we got done opening presents and playing with Maisy, Daddy made us a yummy breakfast!

All Mommy's favorite breakfast foods..Daddy is the BEST! 
Mommy made J his favorite breakfast too!
After we stuffed ourselves, Gaga, Papa, Uncle Ty, and Auntie KK came over to spoil us all with even more gifts...and boy did they spoil us! Unfortunately I didn't snap any pics, just videos, Mommy fail! 

After they left, your Granddad, your soon to be Gramma, and soon to be Auntie Amanda came over to spoil us with even more presents! They ridiculously spoiled all of us..especially Jax! That kid still has unopened toys! 
Again, I failed to take any pics! I was pooped, who can blame me?! Your Daddy (yes, he is the Chef of the family..I am lucky!) cooked us all a BOMB rib-eye steak dinner, with yummy potatoes, asparagus, salad, and rolls!  

Might I add that Jax and I stayed in our matching jammies all day and shame either! :) 

We finished the night off with a shower, snuggles, and watching, Home, Jax's favorite new movie. 

We are truly blessed to be surrounded with so much love! Everything that we have is because of Him, and we give him all of the glory! 

It was a VERY happy birthday to Jesus! 

I love you, 
