Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekend Happenings

Hi my precious baby girl! 

Happy 23 week womb-day! You must know I'm writing to you because you just kicked me!..I LOVE feeling you move! You move quite often now, although not as much as your brother did (I hope this is a sign that you will be a bit calmer lol) so I revel in every movement. Your Daddy is starting to be able to feel you too!..The first time was last week! He gets SO excited too! 

You are now over 11 inches long and weigh over one pound! You will work hard in the coming weeks to double your weight..don't worry, I am happy to assist you in the process! ;)

The bug that's going around has hit our family hard so we took it easy over the weekend!  We ventured out on Saturday to do a little furniture shopping for you (didn't find anything) and hung out at Papa and Gagas for a bit. 

This was our Saturday night. In bed by 7:30 p.m. watching Jax's favorite movie, Home for the thousandth time, while I started a new Nick Sparks book (my favorite author).

On Sunday your Daddy, with the help of J, put your crib together while I finished cleaning out your room/closet, and hung up your clothes (swoon). Seeing your crib, and all the pink in your closet, makes my heart melt every time I walk into your room! I can't believe I get to meet you in just 17 weeks (maybe even sooner if I have a C-section!)!! Eek! 

I love this view! My boys!
Workin' hard for you princess!
J was so excited to help Daddy! He copied everything he did and helped screw in nearly every was REALLY cute! Don't worry, J tested it out for you by jumping in it after we put your mattress in! He approves! :) 

I can't wait to see you in it!!..Well lets see if you actually use yours..your Daddy says Jax's was just a "decoration" since he slept in it maybe 3 times. Ha ha. What can I say?.. I love having him snuggled with me, and I'm sure you will be no exception! Our next task is going to be transferring him into his big boy bed (which we are purchasing this week)..wish us luck, we are REALLY going to need it! 

I love you my little bambina! 


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