Monday, January 23, 2017

22 Week Womb Day

Happy 22 Week Womb-Day Princess!!

Sorry I haven't written you in awhile, things have been nuts recently! Between play dates, bringing Jax to work with me (Nanny was on vacay), putting away Chritmas decorations (yes, finally!), dodging this rain, hanging with family, being a mommy, being a wife, and cooking you, I barely have time to shower (luckily I do..your welcome husband)! 

A lot has happened recently, first off, I think we have narrowed down a name for you!! I have nearly cleaned out your room; it used to be a play room, and Mommy and Daddy's overflow of clothes storage area. We have also changed Doctors! I am so excited about the change, we love your new Doctor! 

I also gave blood for your 2nd trimester screening..
Last visit with your old Doc
My pretty little angel!
First visit with your new Doc
J grubbin' on Fruit-By-The-Foot..shocker! Waiting to see his sister..
Panera lunch date after

And these are long overdue..........................................................
20 Weeks, 5 Days
Mommy loves you! 

Look at that belly button!

Cravings: Jalapeno stuffed green olives (Stater Bros has the BEST!), cheese
Symptoms: Super dry skin, moody, tired, sciatic pain in lower back/hip (left side)
Your getting big!..Your new Doctor said you were already 12 ounces!
Kisses from Mommy
Kisses from Daddy too!
We can't WAIT to meet you!!!! 
We love you so much already! Only 18 weeks to go!!!!!!


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