Friday, December 30, 2016

Christmas Eve

Good morning my sweet Bambino love! 

Christmas Eve is always one of my favorite days of the year; the atmosphere, family, the coming of Santa, and the Eve of Jesus's birth always fills my heart. 

This year we not only went to Gaga and Papa's annual Christmas Eve party (always a blast), we also made a trip up to the Desert to visit with your Grandma and Grandpa. It was snowing at their house which made it feel even more Christmas-y. 

See the beautiful snowy mountains in the background?
I forgot to save my photos off of my Snapchat: Mommy fail! Thank goodness your Granddad screen shot this pic or I wouldn't have any! 

After, we went to Gaga and Papa's house to play games, grub down (omgosh the food was delish, hope you enjoyed!), and visit with family and friends. It was a pajama party so I was in heaven! Not only that, but the featured food was BREAKFAST! Your Mommy loves breakfast for dinner. I'm SO sad i didn't save a pic of the food..there was every kind of breakfast food you can imagine! Chicken and waffles, donuts, pastries, an omelet station, a waffle station, a pancake station, eggs, hash browns, ham, bacon, 3 different kinds of sausage etc. etc. Your Gaga always out does herself, and this year was no exception! I inherited her love of party throwing! :) She taught me that it's all about the details. 

Daddy getting excited to eat! 
The four of us all comfy in our jammies
J climbing on a chair?..Shocking!

Me, my babies, and Auntie KK

 Every year Gaga and Papa get us all a special ornament. They have been doing it my entire life, and your Daddy and I have carried on the tradition in our family. 

One of your Daddy and I's ornaments..we got two this year :) 

Look how AMAZING our second ornament is!!! It is YOU!!!! You are SO cute!! Opening this made our night! We can't wait to kiss that precious face!!

...Of course I forgot to take a pic of Jax's ornament from Gaga and was a minion (his fave!)  


Jax's handmade ornament this year. The snowman is his little thumbprints! Swoon! 
Mommy and Daddy's ornament to each other..from our trip to Disney World..ignore the missing photo..I told you I was busy! :) 

Our ornament to Jax. He loves Mickey!  Again from Disney World, and again ignore the missing pic. 
I can't wait to pick out a special ornament for you next year! I'm so excited to get to experience Christmas with you! It is the most magical time of year! God is Good! 

I love you! 


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Dean Christmas Party

Hi Bambino! 

What a crazy couple of weeks we've had! Christmas came and went too fast, and as expected we were all spoiled too much! Between the parties and celebrations we didn't have a minute to relax. But that's what adds to the joy of the holidays! 

Every year we have an annual Christmas party with our Dean side and it is always a good time! This year your Grandpa and Grandma hosted the party at their house. Jax enjoyed playing with all the kiddos, opening presents, and meeting Santa again

Swinging with your bro 
Since your grandparents live in the Desert, it was freezing! The cold weather added to the festive mood of the day. 

Jax watching the boys playing 

We love you! 
After opening presents, playing the white elephant game, and eating, we headed over to a neighbors house to visit with Santa. 

Not sure what caught the kids attention? Maybe a reindeer?!

Your brother wasn't scared of Santa at all this time! He even gave him a high five! 
My boys! 
The four of us!
All in all it was a great night! Next year you will be able to get in on all the festivities! I love you beyond words can describe! Only ELEVEN days until we find out if you are a he or she!!!!!!!!! 

I love love love you, 


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Hi Bambino, 

Your Daddy and I were talking this morning about how EXCITED we are to find out if you are a Bambin-o or Bambin-a in a few weeks!! I seriously can hardly wait! I'm dying to name you, decorate your room, and shop for you!! I think you are a boy, but your Daddy thinks you are a girl? We don't have a preference either way, we just want you to be healthy and happy! :) 

I wonder if your brother asked Santa for a brother or sister? ;) l'm pretty positive the only thing your brother was asking was to get off Santa's lap! Haha. He didn't seem too happy to be in the company of the jolly little man even though we told him he was going to bring him lots of presents. Beats me? 

Uh, who are you? 

Looking to Daddy for help! 

That pout! 

Warming up..

The winner! Excuse the picture of a picture. 
I wonder how you will react to good ol' Saint Nick next year? I'm telling you, he is a good dude! :) Time will tell...

Thinking about you every second of everyday...and loving you even more! 

I love you, 


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Tis the Season!

Hi Bambino, 

With Christmas fast approaching, things have been crazy! Holiday performance's, decorating, and shopping have kept us quite busy! This is your mommy's FAVORITE holiday and I am trying to soak it all in before it passes me by! I am so excited for you to be here next year, it will be even that much more special! 
Your brother helping me with the tree 

Jax LOVED helping us decorate the tree! It was really cute! He would hand us a single ball at a time until they were all on the tree! He did not stop the entire time we decorated both trees! Per usual, we jammed out to Christmas music while we decorated and we all boogied-down! Next year you will be here to boogie with us! Eek! 

Big helper

Daddy putting the tree topper on..excuse the horrible lighting! 

Surprisingly J has no intention of removing the ornaments from the tree, as we were scared he would. Instead, he says lots of, "Oh no's" when an ornament does fall off. He is always happy to put it back on the tree. :)

We decorated for close to two weeks! I have a lot of decorations..and we took a lot of breaks. :) I still have empty boxes that need to be put away! During one of our breaks we snuck away to go Christmas light hunting with your Granddad, Tine, auntie, uncle, and cousins. Brea has the greatest neighborhood that decorates to the 9s. It is fun to walk to bundle up and walk the streets as a family! 

The Crew
Please note Health's arms in this photo..your auntie layered him so much that he couldn't put his arms down! HAHA 

Your bro trying to get free..shocker! 
Terrible lighting but too cute not to post..Your Granddad loves you guys so much! 

Of course your brother wanted to roam freely the entire time. He was very upset that he couldn't because there were a lot of cars driving through the neighborhood. You can see him trying to escape in each photo..little turd! :) 

Point proven..

Point proven..

It has become our tradition to walk Christmas light hunt with our "crew." We look forward to it every year! I can't wait to take you next year! 

I LOVE YOU!!!!! 


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Growing Bambino!

Well my sweet little Bambino, you are 15 weeks and 1 day old! Growing SO fast! Although they are long overdue, I have included my 13 week and 4 day progress photos below...

You are growing big right along with my growing belly! 

Love to you! 

Happy Mommy!

Size of a: LEMON!
Cravings: Kung pao noodles, Taco Bell (here we go again!)
Moody: YES! Sorry all!
Symptoms: Zitty (oh joy!..just like with your bro). Tired!
Missing: SANDWICHES!!!!!!

I am pretty much having the same symptoms and cravings as I was with your brother which makes me think you are a boy?! Your Daddy and I can't wait to find out!!!! Our appointment to find out is on 1/4/17. It will be the best new year present! Counting the days!!! 

