Wednesday, November 26, 2014

16 Weeks Down..24 To Go!


         ...Actually Happy 16 weeks and 4 days in my belly my sweet baby!  

You are now the size of an avocado (one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite treats)! are really growing! 

Cravings: Turkey Sandwiches, Celeste Frozen Pizza (I have literally had one 
              everyday for at least 2 straight weeks! 
Things I Miss The Most: Hot Baths, Sleeping on my belly
Symptoms: Shortness of Breath, Cramping from a stretching uterus 
Moody?: Yep ;) 
Ring On Or Off?: On
Jeans Still Fit?: Barely, and only low rise :) 

Your Daddy is quite excited too! ;) 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am so excited for you to try all the yummy goodies! I already have my extra stretchy pants ready to go! ;) 

Mommy's best friend, Erika surprised me at work today with a pre-Thanksgiving goody!..She is the BEST! 

                                      How cute are these?

I told her that I was craving them a couple of days ago and she surprised me with them today! She said she made a Mommy and a Baby for us! :) They are delish and I look forward to them every year! 

Chocolate turkey kisses and extra stretchy pants hugs to you! 


Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Booga!

Hi my Cupcake, 

Coincidentally your 16 week womb day on Saturday happened to fall on your Auntie Karington's birthday too! So your Daddy and I were celebrating both your and her special day (Yahoo..double the food!  ;)

My lil' Booga bear turned 13 years old! She has matured into such a beautiful girl, I am so proud of her! She is my mini-me, we have SO much fun together; she is one of my best friends! 

                                                      Birthday kisses for the birthday girl! 

                                                                   So much love! 

Your Auntie is SO excited for your arrival! She can't wait to spoil you...either can your Mommy!!!!! :) 

I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 20, 2014

It Was Great To See You!

Hi Cupcake, 

It was a beautiful day because Mommy got to see your precious self! Your Daddy couldn't get away from work (insert sad face here) so Gaga and I made up for his absence with our excitement! I filmed you so Daddy didn't have to miss out! He kept texting me every five minutes asking for his video while we were there (it was really cute how excited he was) He was so sad that he couldn't be there to see you. He loves you so much!  

As always, you are just the cutest little thing! It was so great seeing you wiggle around in my belly. At one point it looked like you were waiving to me! Know that I was waiving back..and blowing you air kisses! :)
Your little hand melted my heart! 

The Doctor (who I really liked..third time is the charm ;)) said that you look happy and healthy which made me VERY happy! I never get tired of hearing your heartbeat, which the Doctor said sounded "beautiful and healthy". She said that you are growing great and that we will get to find out if you are a boy or girl very soon! 


                      As promised, Mommy drank OJ to wake you up..
                                     Mommy and Gaga excitedly waiting to see you

Proud Mommy

Thank you for making my day today, Cupcake! I am anxiously waiting for our next meeting! You have my heart forever!!!! 

Tummy waves and lots of kisses! 

I love you, 



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandpa Perry!

Hi my Cupcake love, 

The festivities continued on Sunday when we celebrated your Grandpa Perry's birthday. We had a yummy dinner at Johnny Carinos (hellooo pasta) with the family. 

                                                         The Dean (and Wallace) clan

       Mommy and your Cousin Quinn (she is getting so big..and heavy haha)

Your Grandpa Perry got Charger tickets! 
Your Daddy is representing the best team on his shirt though! ;) 

..and your Cousin Olivia is representing YOU on her shirt!! 

All in all it was a great night with great people! You are going to have so much fun playing with your Cousins when you are here! 

I am SO looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I am going to drink lots of orange juice before so you can be nice and energized! I hope you put on a show for Mommy! :) 

I love you, 


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Tanner!

Hello my sweet Cupcake,

Tis the season for birthdays!In November alone our family has 5 to celebrate (this doesn't even include friends)! We spent Saturday celebrating your Uncle Tanner's 17th birthday..

                                      Mommy with the bday boy (I spy Cupcake) :) 

                                         me some Booga! 

                Daddy and Mommy hanging with Savanni (your Adopt-an Aunt)  

                                                            The girls being silly..

                                                   Even Gaga got in on the action
We had fun hanging out, eating yummy food (including LOTS of candy) and celebrating with your Uncle. I am so excited that you will be here next year to join in on all of the birthday fun! You are in my thoughts every second of every day, and I can.not.wait. to see you in a couple of days! Eek! 

I love you SO much! 


Friday, November 14, 2014

14 Week Development

Happy last day of 14 weeks Cupcake! 

Tomorrow is your 15 week womb-day(as your Daddy and I named it) :) You have been hard at work growing this week, and I couldn't be more proud of you! 

You are now the size of a lemon, and about 3.4 inches long! You have also doubled in weight since last week; all that pizza must have something to do with it. ;) 

Your movements have become more fluid and smooth (ballet-like accoriding to What to lil' twinkle toes!). Your neck is getting longer and you are able to stand up (or float) straight now.

Your eyebrows and your hair are starting to fill too. Your intestines are also now producing meconium, which is waste that will make up your first bowel movement (TMI?).  

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of all your hard work each week! We love you more than you can imagine and can't wait to see you next week at our Doctor appointment. I will make sure to feed you something extra special for your womb-day tomorrow! 

I love you, 


P.S. Look how beautiful the "just because" flowers your Daddy got us a few days ago :) 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Beach Baby

Hi my angel Cupcake, 

We had a great time spending the day with your Grandpa and Grandma Dean, Aunt Danielle and Cousin's Olivia and Quinn on Sunday. It was especially great because Daddy and I got to babysit Olivia and Quinn and spend some quality time with them.

We had so much fun playing with the girls, and it was great experiencing what it will be like to have a baby. Although Quinn is a very easy baby; she is very mellow and rarely cries (she is only 3 months old too!). I wonder if you will emulate her behavior or give us a run for our money. :) Either way, you will be perfect in our eyes!

We went to the Orange County Marketplace with Quinn, and your Grandpa and Grandma Dean for a lil' shopping in the morning.

Of course the day would not be complete without a sweet treat...

Their swirl cones are the best! 

After we got our shopping fix in we went back to your Aunts house to watch the little's while your Grandpa and Grandma went to their camp sight at the beach to prepare for our yummy dinner. 

Miss Quinn posing with Mommy 

Kisses from Olivia

Mommy and Quinn holding hands... I can't wait to hold yours! 

After spending a couple of hours with the girls we headed over to the beach to have dinner with the whole gang. Mommy taught Olivia how to eat the air on the ride over..

She would not allow us to roll the window up the entire drive..she must have been quite full ;)

                                                      Perfect place to end the day

                                                           Banxi enjoying the sunset. 

We ate a yummy steak dinner, as you already know (thank your Grandpa) and hung around the campsite for a bit. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did! 

Sunsets and salty kisses to you my baby. 

I love you, 


Monday, November 10, 2014

God Is Good

Hi my darling Cupcake, 

Mommy and Daddy will soon teach you all about Jesus and the important role He will play in your life. Our hope is that you will proudly walk in His faith, glorify and trust in Him, and accept Him as your Lord and Savior. One day you may even choose to make a public declaration of your love and faith in Him and get baptized in the church, just like your Uncle Tanner did on Saturday.

I am so proud in the strength of his faith and am blessed to have him be an example and mentor for you while you grow in yours. 


                                                                     Proud Papa

What a beautiful experience! Your Mommy and Daddy were both crying of course (Daddy says he was "tearing" ;)) 

 Above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 
Ephesians 6:16

I love you, 


Friday, November 7, 2014

Hospital 101

Happy last day of week 13 Cupcake, 

Your Daddy and I went to the hospital where you will be born last week for a tour. It was very informative and made us so excited for the day that it will be our my turn to birth you! I actually changed hospitals and Doctors (three times) to make sure that I delivered at this particular hospital because it is such a great one. 

We were happy to learn that the hospital is ranked in the top 10 percent of best hospitals in the United States (American Hospital Association)! It is also the third busiest hospital in California, and has a level five NICU!

We toured through the labor and delivery rooms (which made it feel really real all of a sudden), the recovery rooms, and the nursery. All the little babies that were in the nursery were SO cute and tiny and seeing them made us even more excited for your arrival!

The staff was very warm and friendly and answered all of our questions (trust me when I say that we I had a lot). :) 

All in all we feel very happy with our choice to switch hospitals. I feel comfortable knowing that both you and I will be in great hands! Your Daddy is looking forward to the complimentary congratulations filet mignon dinner after your arrival...who am I kidding?, so am I! But we are most excited to see you! 

Hugs and kisses from Mommy and Daddy!

I love you, 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jump For Joy

Hi Cupcake, 

I hope you are having a cozy day in my belly! I can't believe you are already 13 and 1/2 weeks old! Time sure does fly! 

This was apparent this weekend when your Cousin Hudson had his second birthday party. It does not seem like two years have already passed since he was born. He is the sweetest boy and I know you will love him! His party was at a bounce house and had so many fun obstacles and slides for everyone to play on (adults included..your Daddy was having the time of his life). 

Unfortunately your Auntie doesn't like Hudson's pictures online, but as you can imagine he was bouncing off the walls..literally! Mommy couldn't jump because I wanted to keep you nice and safe. :) But I had just as much fun watching!  

This is about the only time I saw your Daddy the entire party..he was too busy jumping away. He couldn't even stand still, hence the blurry pic ;)

Daddy was having fun playing with all the kiddos

Uncle Ty was having fun too

Your Grandpa even got in on the action

Uncle Tanner with Mommy

Mommy with your Great Aunt Tiffany and your adorable 2nd Cousin Tatum and  Tyler, who was trying to figure out what we were doing

Mommy and Grandpa about to get down on some pizza

Between Halloween and the party, I sure did have my fair share of pizza! Hope you didn't mind too much. :)

Bouncing pepperoni kisses your way! 

I love you, 


Monday, November 3, 2014

Trick Or Treat

Hi my Cupcake Love, 

You are officially in your 2nd Trimester!! Yay! step closer to having you in my arms!!! 

We had a fun filled weekend. On Halloween we went over to Papa and Gaga's house for dinner, pumpkin carving, and handing out candy to trick or treaters. I was sad that not one trick or treater came to the door (the houses in their neighborhood are too far apart for the lazy kids).   

Of course Halloween would not be complete without Mommy and Daddy dressing up...

        Your Daddy at work..still can't believe he didn't win best costume! 
                                                                   SO funny! 

                               Papa Smurf and his crime fighting wife Bat Woman

How cute is Gaga's Fall tree in the background?! Her house is always decorated perfectly on every holiday! 

Speaking of Gaga, look how awesome her costume was..

Gaga was a Zombie in her work parade! Especially love her briefcase message!

                                              Mommy with Booga and Banxi the Bunny


Time to carve pumpkins...

                                      Daddy looks like a burglar without his beard...

                                                   Booga thinking, you better not B...

                                                                ...he did it anyway :)

                                                              Mommy's pumpkin

Can you see the pregnant woman silhouette?

Daddy's pumpkin

We concluded the night by eating lots of candy, pizza, and of course the 7 layer dip I made for Papa (he was forced to share) :) 

Mommy failed at making the 7 layer dip look like a pumpkin..still delicious 

I can't wait until you are here next Halloween to share in all in fun! 

I love you SO much! 
