Thursday, November 20, 2014

It Was Great To See You!

Hi Cupcake, 

It was a beautiful day because Mommy got to see your precious self! Your Daddy couldn't get away from work (insert sad face here) so Gaga and I made up for his absence with our excitement! I filmed you so Daddy didn't have to miss out! He kept texting me every five minutes asking for his video while we were there (it was really cute how excited he was) He was so sad that he couldn't be there to see you. He loves you so much!  

As always, you are just the cutest little thing! It was so great seeing you wiggle around in my belly. At one point it looked like you were waiving to me! Know that I was waiving back..and blowing you air kisses! :)
Your little hand melted my heart! 

The Doctor (who I really liked..third time is the charm ;)) said that you look happy and healthy which made me VERY happy! I never get tired of hearing your heartbeat, which the Doctor said sounded "beautiful and healthy". She said that you are growing great and that we will get to find out if you are a boy or girl very soon! 


                      As promised, Mommy drank OJ to wake you up..
                                     Mommy and Gaga excitedly waiting to see you

Proud Mommy

Thank you for making my day today, Cupcake! I am anxiously waiting for our next meeting! You have my heart forever!!!! 

Tummy waves and lots of kisses! 

I love you, 



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