Friday, November 7, 2014

Hospital 101

Happy last day of week 13 Cupcake, 

Your Daddy and I went to the hospital where you will be born last week for a tour. It was very informative and made us so excited for the day that it will be our my turn to birth you! I actually changed hospitals and Doctors (three times) to make sure that I delivered at this particular hospital because it is such a great one. 

We were happy to learn that the hospital is ranked in the top 10 percent of best hospitals in the United States (American Hospital Association)! It is also the third busiest hospital in California, and has a level five NICU!

We toured through the labor and delivery rooms (which made it feel really real all of a sudden), the recovery rooms, and the nursery. All the little babies that were in the nursery were SO cute and tiny and seeing them made us even more excited for your arrival!

The staff was very warm and friendly and answered all of our questions (trust me when I say that we I had a lot). :) 

All in all we feel very happy with our choice to switch hospitals. I feel comfortable knowing that both you and I will be in great hands! Your Daddy is looking forward to the complimentary congratulations filet mignon dinner after your arrival...who am I kidding?, so am I! But we are most excited to see you! 

Hugs and kisses from Mommy and Daddy!

I love you, 


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