Friday, November 14, 2014

14 Week Development

Happy last day of 14 weeks Cupcake! 

Tomorrow is your 15 week womb-day(as your Daddy and I named it) :) You have been hard at work growing this week, and I couldn't be more proud of you! 

You are now the size of a lemon, and about 3.4 inches long! You have also doubled in weight since last week; all that pizza must have something to do with it. ;) 

Your movements have become more fluid and smooth (ballet-like accoriding to What to lil' twinkle toes!). Your neck is getting longer and you are able to stand up (or float) straight now.

Your eyebrows and your hair are starting to fill too. Your intestines are also now producing meconium, which is waste that will make up your first bowel movement (TMI?).  

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of all your hard work each week! We love you more than you can imagine and can't wait to see you next week at our Doctor appointment. I will make sure to feed you something extra special for your womb-day tomorrow! 

I love you, 


P.S. Look how beautiful the "just because" flowers your Daddy got us a few days ago :) 

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