Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Beach Baby

Hi my angel Cupcake, 

We had a great time spending the day with your Grandpa and Grandma Dean, Aunt Danielle and Cousin's Olivia and Quinn on Sunday. It was especially great because Daddy and I got to babysit Olivia and Quinn and spend some quality time with them.

We had so much fun playing with the girls, and it was great experiencing what it will be like to have a baby. Although Quinn is a very easy baby; she is very mellow and rarely cries (she is only 3 months old too!). I wonder if you will emulate her behavior or give us a run for our money. :) Either way, you will be perfect in our eyes!

We went to the Orange County Marketplace with Quinn, and your Grandpa and Grandma Dean for a lil' shopping in the morning.

Of course the day would not be complete without a sweet treat...

Their swirl cones are the best! 

After we got our shopping fix in we went back to your Aunts house to watch the little's while your Grandpa and Grandma went to their camp sight at the beach to prepare for our yummy dinner. 

Miss Quinn posing with Mommy 

Kisses from Olivia

Mommy and Quinn holding hands... I can't wait to hold yours! 

After spending a couple of hours with the girls we headed over to the beach to have dinner with the whole gang. Mommy taught Olivia how to eat the air on the ride over..

She would not allow us to roll the window up the entire drive..she must have been quite full ;)

                                                      Perfect place to end the day

                                                           Banxi enjoying the sunset. 

We ate a yummy steak dinner, as you already know (thank your Grandpa) and hung around the campsite for a bit. I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did! 

Sunsets and salty kisses to you my baby. 

I love you, 


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