Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandpa Perry!

Hi my Cupcake love, 

The festivities continued on Sunday when we celebrated your Grandpa Perry's birthday. We had a yummy dinner at Johnny Carinos (hellooo pasta) with the family. 

                                                         The Dean (and Wallace) clan

       Mommy and your Cousin Quinn (she is getting so big..and heavy haha)

Your Grandpa Perry got Charger tickets! 
Your Daddy is representing the best team on his shirt though! ;) 

..and your Cousin Olivia is representing YOU on her shirt!! 

All in all it was a great night with great people! You are going to have so much fun playing with your Cousins when you are here! 

I am SO looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I am going to drink lots of orange juice before so you can be nice and energized! I hope you put on a show for Mommy! :) 

I love you, 


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