Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Jump For Joy

Hi Cupcake, 

I hope you are having a cozy day in my belly! I can't believe you are already 13 and 1/2 weeks old! Time sure does fly! 

This was apparent this weekend when your Cousin Hudson had his second birthday party. It does not seem like two years have already passed since he was born. He is the sweetest boy and I know you will love him! His party was at a bounce house and had so many fun obstacles and slides for everyone to play on (adults included..your Daddy was having the time of his life). 

Unfortunately your Auntie doesn't like Hudson's pictures online, but as you can imagine he was bouncing off the walls..literally! Mommy couldn't jump because I wanted to keep you nice and safe. :) But I had just as much fun watching!  

This is about the only time I saw your Daddy the entire party..he was too busy jumping away. He couldn't even stand still, hence the blurry pic ;)

Daddy was having fun playing with all the kiddos

Uncle Ty was having fun too

Your Grandpa even got in on the action

Uncle Tanner with Mommy

Mommy with your Great Aunt Tiffany and your adorable 2nd Cousin Tatum and  Tyler, who was trying to figure out what we were doing

Mommy and Grandpa about to get down on some pizza

Between Halloween and the party, I sure did have my fair share of pizza! Hope you didn't mind too much. :)

Bouncing pepperoni kisses your way! 

I love you, 


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