Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Tanner!

Hello my sweet Cupcake,

Tis the season for birthdays!In November alone our family has 5 to celebrate (this doesn't even include friends)! We spent Saturday celebrating your Uncle Tanner's 17th birthday..

                                      Mommy with the bday boy (I spy Cupcake) :) 

                                                  Sasters...love me some Booga! 

                Daddy and Mommy hanging with Savanni (your Adopt-an Aunt)  

                                                            The girls being silly..

                                                   Even Gaga got in on the action
We had fun hanging out, eating yummy food (including LOTS of candy) and celebrating with your Uncle. I am so excited that you will be here next year to join in on all of the birthday fun! You are in my thoughts every second of every day, and I can.not.wait. to see you in a couple of days! Eek! 

I love you SO much! 


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