Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Booga!

Hi my Cupcake, 

Coincidentally your 16 week womb day on Saturday happened to fall on your Auntie Karington's birthday too! So your Daddy and I were celebrating both your and her special day (Yahoo..double the food!  ;)

My lil' Booga bear turned 13 years old! She has matured into such a beautiful girl, I am so proud of her! She is my mini-me, we have SO much fun together; she is one of my best friends! 

                                                      Birthday kisses for the birthday girl! 

                                                                   So much love! 

Your Auntie is SO excited for your arrival! She can't wait to spoil you...either can your Mommy!!!!! :) 

I love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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