Friday, May 1, 2015

The Final Countdown

Hi my angel, 

This might be Mommy's last post for awhile because you can come ANY DAY! You due date is officially 8 days away (YIPPIE) and we couldn't be more excited! :) 

Yesterday I went for my weekly Doctor checkup and ended up in the hospital!! While listening to your heartbeat the Doctor said that it was lower than normal (between 110-115..which is still normal..just "low normal") so she sent me to the hospital to get checked out. She said she wanted to make sure everything was okay with you and that you aren't too big! I asked what would happen if everything wasn't okay and she said, "then you will be coming home with your baby today"!..It got real!! 

I was obviously anxious, I called your Daddy who was frantic (lol) and I had to calm him down haha. So I got admitted to a bed, hooked up to a bunch a monitors, and got an ultrasound. The nurse checked me (OUCH!!!..she made me sit on my hands because I was being a baby and scooting away from her) and said that I wasn't dilated. I asked her if I could get an epidural before she checked me again..she wasn't amused.

Thank God that your heartbeat was just fine and you were moving normally! :) She was monitoring my contractions as well and said that I was getting quite a bit of them! She said that I could be in the early stages of labor! Yowza! 

It was funny because when the nurse did your first ultrasound (I got two), she was looking specifically for your movement, you started teasing her. Haha, my little joke-ster! You were moving a ton the entire time we were being monitored and when she started the ultrasound..silence. She started shaking my belly and trying everything to get you to move for a good 3-5 minutes and you just stayed perfectly still. Then she busted out this machine that makes a loud and annoying buzzing sound and as soon as she put it on my belly to wake you up you started grooving again! She didn't have the chance to even turn it on! It was hilarious!..We both had a good laugh about it! :) Oh how I love you! 

The second ultrasound was more in depth; 30-40 minutes. The Doctor looked at all your organs, measured your bones, and assessed your weight. She said that everything looked great and that she estimated you are around 8 pounds and 3 ounces! DANG! You little chunker! :) No wonder you don't want to come out..your nice and fat and happy in my belly! :) 

After the final ultrasound, we were hooked up to the monitors once again for our final assement. After another 30 minutes my Doctor said we could go home! Hooray! I was happy you didn't come just becasue we still havent gotten everything ready for your arrival! We have gotten almost everything ready except for packing your Daddy's hospital things, installing your carseat, and finishing laundry for when you come home...we will be doing all of that tonight! :)

I am however hoping you come soon! A. I can't wait to finally get my hands on you and B. I am SO uncomfortble! Mty swelling has made its reappearance (oh how I have NOT missed you, and my left hip is literally killing me! I have been in tears on multiple occasions because of it! Basically the Doctor's only advice..tuff it out! I can't take any pain medicine and since it is in my muscle there is nothing that can be done! Your Daddy has tried SO many times to massage it but the pain is so deep there is no getting to it! :( 

On a brighter note, our morning started out just splendidly today because we got to see you again! :) We had our final (well we will see) ultrasound this morning at the hospital! You are just the cutest little thing! Your Daddy got a kick out of you sucking your lips! :) The Doctor said everything looked great and she estimated your weight at 8 1/2 pounds! Wait a you gained  3 ounces in one night?!..Dang you chocolate brownie ice cream! Haha 

                                         Sucking your lips! 

We are curious to see how big you will really be when you come into this world! They better have my epidural turned up to MAX! 

I am SO excited to meet you in person SOON! I can't wait!!!!!!! Gets me teary eyed just thinking about it! 




Friday, April 24, 2015

What's Up, Doc

Good Morning my almost fully baked Cupcake! :)

I got to see you yesterday at my Doctor's appointment! You are SO cute! I got to see your adorable little face (front view) and it filled me heart! I also got to see your little hands and fingers moving around, well as much as they could.. you are pretty cramped in my belly! :) And I got to hear and see your little heart beat! Swoon!   

The last few days I have been having a lot of cramping which is a sign that you are coming soon so the Doctor wanted to check to see if I was dilated at all.

I was scared to get checked because your Auntie told me that it hurts, and she was not lying! Yowza! She said that I am not dilated yet but that that could change at any time. When she did the ultrasound she said that she is estimating that you are around 6 1/2 to 7 pounds! That's a pound lighter than she thought last week when she measured my stomach! She said that I still have a ton of fluid which is why I am measuring so big. Good news!..I don't want you to be a 10 pounder! Ouch! 

She said that she will see me in a week, "if you're still pregnant..if not, I'll see you at the hospital".. Crazy! You can come any day and we are SO excited! 

We finally washed all of our clothes for the hospital, now we just have to officially pack them in our hospital bag. We also have to install your car seat in the car, wash your bassinet sheets, wash your blankets and clothes etc., and we will be all set and ready to go! Our plan is to tackle that this weekend! Of course your Daddy won't let me lift a finger so we have to do it together..which he wouldn't have any other way anyway! :)

I have to add that your Daddy is beyond excited for your arrival as well! I caught him pushing your stroller around has become a daily cute! 

                 Blurry shot..mid stride :)  Look how happy he looks! :)  

He has been so sweet throughout this whole process and I couldn't imagine not having him by my side every step of the way! He has been my rock! I can't wait to see you in his arms! We are so blessed God picked him for us! We are SO lucky! Thanks for always making me feel like a queen, B! You are the man of my dreams!  

15 DAYS UNTIL YOU ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...maybe sooner :)
...maybe later :( 



Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weekend Happenings

Good Morning my love, 

Only 17 days until your due date!!!! I cannot believe you will be here SO soon!! Your Daddy and I are beyond excited! :) We are busy trying to get everything ready for you! I planned on packing our hospital bag over the weekend but got caught up in so many other things that I didn't have the time. I definitely need to do this in the next few days though! I have everything for us bought and ready to go but I haven't washed everything in your special baby detergent yet. 

We your Daddy did however put all of your goodies together over the weekend! He was SO excited to put everything together! We had so much fun going through all of your stuff and imagining you using everything! We also finally  got all of your clothes, toys, bath stuff, etc. put away in its rightful place! You can actually walk in your room again! Yippie! :)

                   Your handsome Daddy putting your swing together

All of your stuff is so awesome! Your Daddy downloaded an app on his phone that allows us to control the movement, music, and whether the birds are chirping and lighting up (so cool) on your swing! The thing plays over 60 lullabies! Made me tear up when he was playing some of them! :) 

Gaga and Papa also dropped off your awesome stroller over the weekend so of course your Daddy put that together too! Your Daddy is SO excited for you to come, I keep catching him pushing your empty stroller around the house! Melts my heart! He says he "needs the practice" :) It's so cute! You are so blessed to have the best Daddy in the world! 

He also got practice holding your new precious Cousin over the weekend! 

I can't wait until that is you in his arms! Almost time!!! Eek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news, I went for my weekly Doctor visit last week and was told that everything is progressing just great! I got to hear your adorable little heart beat (swoon) and was told by the Doctor that she is estimating your weight at 7 and 1/2 pounds! Big boy! This number kind of freaked me out because this is the exact weight they told your Auntie that your Cousin was a few days before he was born and he ended up being 9.9!! 

I am hoping that her estimation was off since I have a lot of fluid in my tummy (which makes it look bigger). We will have a better idea of your size when we get to see you at your final ultrasound next week! So crazy that it is your final ultrasound!!..then we get to have you here in the flesh and won't ever have to see you through a monitor again!! :D 

                                   Pointing to my favorite boy! 

Our next checkup is tomorrow. Getting excited to hear you! Hopefully the Doctor will do an impromptu ultrasound! Fingers crossed!! 



Friday, April 17, 2015

36 Weeks Down..4 To Go!!

HAPPY 36 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe you will be 37 weeks tomorrow!! You have definitely been hard at work tummy is HUGE! :) Your are now the size of a honey dew..I'm guessing the biggest one you can find in the grocery store! 

My Doctor said that there is still a ton of fluid in my tummy which is making it look so big! I'm hoping this is the case and you are not going to be a 12 pounder! Ouch! She said that you are nice and cushioned in your home though; at least one of us is comfortable! ;) 

                                36 Weeks and 5 Days in this pic!

                                  I am so in love with you!

Cravings: Everything I can't eat because I am limiting sodium. I would kill for some Taco Bell at this point! ;) Miguel's sounds pretty good right now too! 
Things I miss the most: Just being comfortable and feeling normal, Being able to sleep uninterrupted,Hands not being numb, Being able to sleep on my tummy, Not straining when turning over,bending down, getting up etc., Normal clothes! Being skinny! Vain?..maybe! ;) 
Symptoms: Carpal Tunnel, Swelling, Left hip is killing me, Feet hurt, Big everything, Braxton Hicks, Blotchy skin
Moody?: Occasionally, Can tolerate people less
Ring On or Off?: Off :( 
Coolest Thing: Knowing you are coming SO soon! Putting all your stuff and clothes away and imagining you in them! Daydreaming about what you will look like and how your personality will be! And of course feeling you all day everyday (favorite part)! I can't believe I will get to really feel you in just a few weeks! Eek!!! 

I AM BEYOND EXCITED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          These guys are super excited too! :)

We can hardly contain our excitement! We finally get to meet you in 22 days (maybe sooner?!)!!!! We think and talk about you every second of every day! We love you so much and are so proud to call you OUR SON! You have made us the happiest people alive! 

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Hi Cupcake, 

Since you will be arriving into this world SO soon (insert jump for joy here) your Daddy and I spent the weekend getting all the last minute stuff you will need. And since you got SO spoiled at your baby shower there wasn't too much to get. Of course while we were out shopping our list continued to grow and grow and by the time we left the stores our car was completely full (and our wallets a lot more empty). :) 

                    Your Mommy loves to shop especially for her baby!

                         Your Daddy had to get you your first football!

It's so funny, I always want to spend all our time in the clothes department while your Daddy wants to spend it in the toy department! :) 

                                    Successful shopping day!

You definitely will have everything you need and then some! Now if we can only find the time to put it all away! We have been chipping away at it each day but you seriously have SO much stuff! :) You are very blessed!

It's almost time for you to use it all! Eek! 

I love you more than anything in this world! You must love me too because you just kicked me! :) You have my heart in your little hand!  


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A Star Is Born!

Hi my angel baby, 

What a wonderful day! Your cousin, Heath was born this morning!! He is so precious! I can't wait for you to meet him!! Holding him in my arms made me SO excited for you super soon arrival! :) 

               Excuse my makeup free hurry and get to the hospital self! 

What a doll right?! I can't wait until this is  you in my arms!! :) I know what your thinking..yes, he is huge for a newborn! 9 pounds and 9 ounces to be exact! He is a BIG boy! Saying your Auntie is a champ is an understatement!! 

Your poor Auntie was in labor for almost two full days!! She was in a lot of pain and discomfort until she got her epidural. Hearing her in pain really peeked my anxiety about my upcoming delivery! I literally had your Daddy take my blood pressure last night because I thought I was having a panic attack! Ha ha 

Once she got her epidural she was like a different person! She wasn't in pain the entire delivery!..Even the pushing part! Eased my fears SO much! I am so proud of her and so excited to have a new addition to our family! 

Counting the days until it is our turn to welcome you into the world! I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!! 3 1/2 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you, 


Friday, April 10, 2015

Doctor Visit #2

Hi my precious baby, 

Great news! Yesterday I went for my second checkup in a week and the Doctor said that she does not think I have preecalmpsia!!!! Hooray!!! :) 

I lost four pounds of swelling since Monday and my blood pressure has been perfectly normal! Since she is no longer concerned with preeclampsia she cut my checkups to once a week again! :) 

                     2nd appointment in one week..not peace sign lol :) 

I still definitely have swelling, and am still retaining fluid but not nearly as bad as I was last week! She told me to keep doing what I am doing (limiting sodium) and continue to monitor my blood pressure daily. 

I am so thankful the Lord answered all of our prayers! He is GREAT! :) I'm SO happy that as of now you get to stay in my tummy and cook longer! You are getting so big! I can feel you so well! Today I could literally feel your whole was so cool! :) 

I can't wait to kiss your sweet little face! Only 29 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you with all of me! 


Thursday, April 9, 2015


Hi Cupcake love, 

We had a great time celebrating Easter with our family! Our Dean side came over for lunch and we went to Papa and Gaga's house for dinner. :) 


We had a yummy lunch and hung around our house during the day. Your cousins modeled for some adorable Easter pics..excited to get some of you next year on your first Easter! :) 

We got to Papa and Gaga's just in time for their annual egg hunt. The eggs are filled with money so all of the kiddos go crazy for them! Don't worry, next year Mommy and Daddy will help you hunt since you will only be about a year old! :) 

                                       Easter basket time! 

Every year your Papa and Gaga spoil your Daddy and I with an Easter basket! We got a lot of goodies in it as usual! :) Of course they didn't just spoil us with one, they spoiled you with one too (as if they don't spoil you enough)! I LOVE the little fedora hat and swim trunks they got you! You are going to look SO cute in them! They also got you a lot of cool toys and such cute bath toys! I love your whale tub too!..which served as the perfect basket! :) 

The Easter Bunny hides our family's baskets in the house every year and I cannot wait to see you hunt for yours in the years to come! Sometimes it would take us hours to find them when we were growing up!..He is a good hider! :) Thank goodness he leaves ours out in the open now that we are old! :) Your Auntie Booga and Uncle's had a hard time finding theirs this year. ha ha

                               Your cousin trying to jack our candy! :)   

I am off to my second Doctor's appointment for the week! Praying for good news! 

I love you my honey bunny! 


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Doctor's Visit

Hi Cupcake, 

I was so excited to get to see your cute little self yesterday at the Doctor's! As always my heart soars when I see you and hear your healthy heartbeat! :) 

The Doctor said that she is concerned about my swelling! It seems to get worse with each day! Normally when I wake up in the morning my swelling seems to be down and gets worse throughout the day. Yesterday though I woke up with crazy swelling! Not good! I stayed off my feet all day and even elevated them for half of the day but nothing helped. My swelling just got worse and worse and by the time I went to the Doctor's it was pretty bad (as it is at the end of most days). 

She did an ultrasound :) and said that I gained three pounds of fluid in one week! She said that this concerned her! She said that she is concerned that I am showing signs of preeclampsia which is not good for either of us (insert sad face here)! The good news is that my blood pressure was normal (thank God..high blood pressure is a sign of preeclampsia as well). She said that she wants to see me again on Thursday to closely monitor me. She said that it looks like I will have to visit her twice a week from now until you enter the world. She said that if I do have preeclampsia that she will have to deliver you like now! I want you to stay in my tummy and cook as long as possible so you are fully developed! Good thing is that your due date is only 32 days away! :) 

The Doctor advised me to check my blood pressure daily and said that if it gets up to 140/90 I have to go to the hospital right away! She also said that if I get even the slightest headache (or vision changes/dizziness), even if it is not alarming to me, that I have to go to the hospital immediately.She stressed this point! 

So today I have taken my blood pressure twice and it has gone up from 120/80 to 130/80. Praying it doesn't get any higher! I've also kept my feet elevated for the majority of the day and have had virtually no sodium since it contributes to swelling. From what I've researched a low sodium diet is having less than 2,000 milligrams a day and I have had only 150 milligrams today! I didn't have really any yesterday either..your Daddy spent an hour cooking us a DELICIOUS spicy chicken meal with lots of veggies for dinner..he is so good to us! :) Good news is that I woke up today two pounds lighter with little swelling so I think some of the fluid has gone bye bye! 

On another positive note it was SO wonderful to see you yesterday! I am SO excited that you will be here soon! You make me the happiest girl in the world! I love you SOOOOOO much! 

Thinking of you every second of every day!


P.S. Shout out to the birthday girl and boy; your beautiful Gramma and handsome doggy! :)      

Monday, April 6, 2015

Baby Shower

Hi my favorite baby boy, 

We had such a GREAT weekend! Not only did we get to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, we also got to celebrate you! :) Your Gaga and Auntie Korts threw the CUTEST shower for us on Saturday! They did such an amazing job! All the details were flawless..and soooooooo cute! 

                    Mommy with host #1..nice photo bomb Uncle Trent  

They nailed the baseball theme! :) 

                                "Jax Snax" concession stand 

My cruddy iphone photos don't do the party justice..thank goodness we got a ton of good ones on our camera...iphone pics are easier to blog with #lazypreggomama

  They had ALL the staple food/snacks that you would find at at stadium!

Even Big League Chew 

How awesome are those Krispy Kreme donut baseballs?!..I think I ate three!

Twinkie corn dogs..I die!..and goodies for the chocolate fondue fountain! This Mommy was in heaven! 


Your Gramma Dean brought the cutest cake! 

Mommy fail #1: forgetting to take a pic of the "real" food! Hot dogs, hamburgers, and a nacho bar! I was too busy grubbing on all of it I guess! Delish!!!!!

Auntie Booga dressed the part! 

You got spoiled by so many of our friends and family. A lot weren't able to make it since it was Easter weekend but sent presents to you anyway! You are so loved!..And we are so thankful!  

Mommy with her BFF's

All the wonderful people who came out to celebrate you..

Aren't these centerpieces the best?! Of course they are real grass..Gaga wouldn't have it any other way! :) 

You even had your own Pro Shop! 

                                    I cried when I saw this!..literally!  

You got SO many presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The games were hilarious! Game #1: Guess the candy in the poopy diaper..we didn't get any pics on my phone! Mommy fail #2! 

Game #2: Guess the baby food..yes you had to taste it! Some looked/tasted nasty! I'll try not to give you those ones! :)

Your Daddy was getting into it :) 

Game #3: Tie your shoe without popping the balloon! This was for the guys and boy was it funny! They got to experience what us preggo's go through on the daily! Mwahaha

Preggo sisters with your Granddad

Blurry family shot :( Finally got a pic of Gaga! She was SO busy throwing the best party ever that I could barely snap a pic of her!..She is the best! 

Sister from another mister ;) 

Mommy's 35 week belly with Erika's 10 week belly! Your kissing either your future BFF or you furture girlfriend! :) 

Mommy thanking Auntie Korts for all her hard work! 

The party was definitely a home run (see what I did there?)! An extra special thank you to all of you who helped make our day SO great!

I love you my lil slugger! 
