Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Doctor's Checkup

Hi Cupcake, :)

Yesterday was such a GREAT day because I got to see you at my Doctor's appointment! :) I haven't gotten to see you in awhile so it was an extra special treat for your Mommy! I had no idea I was going to get an ultrasound done, I thought I was just going for a regular checkup. Your poor Daddy was so upset he wasn't there!..He always takes off work when he knows he will get to see you! Thank goodness I video recorded it for him! :) 

A couple of nights ago I started crying because I was just so uncomfortable. I didn't know what else to do besides cry. Ha ha. Being pregnant is hard, especially at the end! I can't seem to get comfortable, can't sleep well, hands are numb and in pain, can't bend over, my body is crazy swollen, and everything just hurts. Seeing you yesterday made all my uncomfortable-ness disappear! You bring so much joy to my heart! You are the cutest little thing! I could have stared at your perfect lil profile all day! 

During the ultrasound you waved hi to me! :) Daddy said you were flexing your muscle at him. :) The Doctor said that you looked perfect and that your heart beat looked and sounded "beautiful". :)  The Doctor said that my body is retaining a lot of water, hence the swelling! She said that I still have a lot of fluid in my belly which is making it look pretty big(like the rest of my body)! There is not much I can do to help with my swelling so basically I just have to deal with it..and elevate my feet/legs as much as possible. 

ALL is worth it for you! She also said that she is guesstimating that you weigh around 5 and a half pounds! Mommy's big boy! :) I start going to the Doctor's now once a week! Yay..that means I get to hear you every week until you are here! :) I can't wait until I get to hear you every day! :) 

39 days to go!!!!!! 

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, March 30, 2015


Good Morning my precious baby, 

As usual we had a jam packed weekend! Your Daddy and I are planning on slowing down after this coming weekend so we can enjoy some quality time with just the two of us before you come. :) 

On Friday, Gaga and I threw your Auntie Kort a surprise sprinkle. We had such a fun time planning and scheming behind her back! We pulled it off without a hitch; she was definitely surprised! :) 

Since she is having her 2nd baby she didn't want to have a 2nd shower so we had a small gathering with her closest friends and family. Since a big shower the 2nd time around isn't appropriate we went with an intimate sprinkle, and it was perfect! 

Surprise sister you've been sprinkled! 

The gang

Sisterly love


It's so cool that you and your cousin are due exactly 3 weeks apart (to the day)! And you are both boys! It is going to be so fun to have you three (including your cousin, Hudson) so close in age! I know you three will be the best of friends! I can't wait to see you all grow up together! :) 

The Host's :) ..Gaga's showing you some love (..always!..She can't wait to spoil you!). She is so excited for you and your cousin to arrive! She has a "how many days till your a Grandma" calendar on her desk at work! Like mother like daughter! 40 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you SO much! 


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Car!

Hi Cupcake, 

The weekend flew by; why does it always seem to go so fast and the week seems to go so slow?! Even though it went by in a blink of an eye it was a great weekend! 

On Saturday we bought a new car!!! :) I am so in love with it! And it just so happens that your car seat that we got last month matches the interior perfectly! Bonus! :) 

                                       Isn't she a beauty? 

                    Cruisin' in our new ride..clearly your Daddy is excited!  

We also registered for your baby shower! It is only a week and a half away! I am so excited!..from what I hear it is going to be super cute (Gaga, and Auntie Kort are keeping me in the dark for the most part, which is hard to deal with for your Type A Mommy!). 

                                       Armed and dangerous..

It was SO overwhelming trying to decide what items are best for you! There are like 500 bottle choices alone! Ha ha! But we had a great time looking at all the baby stuff and picking everything out! It was so fun imagining you using all the stuff! We can't believe you will be here in only 46 days! Eek! 

We love you SO much! 


Friday, March 20, 2015

32 Weeks Down..8 To Go!

HAPPY 32 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of a squash, and squashed you probably are in my tummy because you are getting so big! I wish I had a window to look inside my tum to see your big ol' cute self! :)  

                                          Getting SO close! 

There is less fluid in your home now since you are getting so big, which means I can feel you better than ever! I can see your little feet kicking me and it is the coolest thing!..My stomach literally moves all day long! Sometimes you play with me and kick me if I poke you! :) Feeling you is the best part of my day! 

                             32 Weeks and 5 Days in this pic! 

Cravings: Waffles, Little Ceasar's Pizza (and cheese bread), Taco Bell
Things I miss the most: Sleeping through the night, Normal clothes, Sandwiches, Clear skin, Being able to bend over, Baths, Hands not feeling numb
Symptoms: Carpal Tunnel, Swelling, Zits, Sore Hips and Knees (mostly when I sleep), Big everything, Braxton Hicks (have slowed A LOT! Thank God!) 
Moody?: Oh yeah! 
Ring On or Off?: On, although it gets pretty tight at the end of the day
Coolest Thing: Feeling you, You playing with me, Seeing your Daddy's face light up when he feels you :) 

                                              Kisses to my 32 week old baby boy!

 We can't wait to hold you in our arms in 7 weeks and 1 day! 50 days to go!!!! 

WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Smell The Roses

Hi my favorite baby boy, 

People warned us that owning a house means having a continuous to-do list, and we are realizing that they were right!..and I have been enjoying every minute of it. I have also been told that a house is never truly done; it's an ever evolving process. So it goes without saying that over the weekend we worked on our ever evolving to-do list. :)

                    Your Daddy fertilized our dying rose bushes..

..and finished painting one of our stair rails (it was an ugly oak color, and now it is a beautiful creamy white!)

He also worked on our never ending baseboards! While he did all of this I worked on lining your bathroom drawers (yay, finally something I can do!). Since we didn't replace your bathroom cabinets I decided to not only do a DEEP cleaning of them, I also decided to line all of them so that they are like new! I am a BIG time germ-a-phobe and wanted to make sure your bath things have a perfectly clean and new place to call home! 

                                 Before cleaning and lining..

                                            ..and after

I went with a super thick lining so that no germs can get through..yes, I know I am cray! I told you I'm a freak about germs!..Especially when it comes to bathrooms! :)

I plan on tackling the bottom shelves of your bathroom cabinets this weekend! Then on to the guest bathroom..

Your wonderful Daddy brought us "just because" flowers a couple of days ago! :) We are spoiled..and so lucky to have him! You both make my heart complete! 

                                      They smell so pretty!

I love you, 



Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Doctor Visit

Happy Saint Patty's Day Cupcake! 

I subconsciously wore green today..thank goodness because I don't want to get pinched! I completely forgot that today was S.P's day because my mind has been on other things..

Yesterday I went for our routine doctor's checkup and was SO happy to hear your strong heartbeat! The Doctor said it was "beautiful", and I couldn't agree more! Hearing you brings so much joy to my heart! :) 

                                 Check out your big ol' home! :) 

The Doctor diagnosed me with carpal tunnel (womp womp). I had a feeling she would since my hands keep falling asleep..my ring and middle finger on my right hand have been asleep for the last week and a half! It's the pits! She instructed me to wear a wrist brace and said that if it gets worse I will have to have a surgery before you come! She said because it dangerous if my hand is numb and I drop things, especially while trying to take care of you! Thank God it is not that bad..fingers crossed and prayers said that it doesn't get worse! 

The Doctor also checked the swelling in my legs, ankles and feet. She maneuvered my ankles around to see if I was feeling pain in the back of my legs, and of course I was so she ordered me to have an ultrasound to make sure that I didn't have any blood clots in my legs. 

So today I had an ultrasound on my legs (mainly my right one since it is more swollen than my left..they only checked one main artery in my left). 

               Waiting for my ultrasound..My poor swollen tootsies..

I am HAPPY to report that your Mommy is blood clot free!!! The Doctor told me to keep an eye on my swelling and if it or the pain gets worse to call her right away. So I will try and elevate and stay off my feet as much as possible until you arrive!..Definitely hard for me to do! 

You are beyond worth it all! 

I love you, 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend BBQ

Happy Monday my Cupcake, 

We took a break from our to to do list over the weekend to sneek in some family time. :) It is always nice to have a lil break from our weekend chores, and no better way to spend it thn with family...and yummy food! ;) 

                             Love me some Dean's/Wallace's :)

Your Daddy BBQ'd some tasty cheeseburgers and brats..he is quite the Chef Boyar-Dean (see what I did there?) ;) I could only have a cheeseburger since I'm supposed to steer clear of brats when preggo, but they looked bomb nonetheless! Once you come out I am going to go on a sandwich, sushi, and hot dog binge!..not kidding! I told your Daddy, "forget the filet mignon dinner after delivery, bring me a hogi" LOL  ..better yet, I'll take both! :) 

Your Daddy and Grandma staying out of the sun..smart since it was 90 degrees outside! Yuck! And it's still winter!..until Friday! I'm praying for at least one more cool down before then! Rain dance anyone?..who's with me? 

                           The sun was a-shinin' on us though

                        Your Cousin and Doggy playing

                          Mommy and Daddy with our baby boy!

I'm excited to go to the Doctor today for our checkup! Especially since I want to pick her brain about some things. Of course I'm most excited to hear my precious baby though!  

I love you SO much!   


Friday, March 13, 2015

31 Week Development

Thank sweet Jesus that it is Friday! 

It has been a long week and I am definitely looking forward to the weekend! Your womb day is tomorrow as well, so I have two reasons to celebrate! :) 

The time has been flying by and you are becoming quite the big boy! Keep up the great work! You now weigh around 3+ pounds and are about 18 inches long! I seriously think that is longer than my short lil' torso! No wonder I feel you lodged in my ribs everyday..you poor thing have no where to go! You are quickly approaching your birth weight but have another 3-5 pounds to put on before you make your arrival (get ready back!). 

You have started to develop more defined sleep patterns. You usually sleep when Mommy does but wake up really early in the morning. I wonder if this will be the case when you are here. It would sure be nice if you slept throughout the night with me..I know, wishful thinking! 

Your brain is developing at super sonic speed right now. You can now process information, track light, and use all five of your senses (except smell because you are submerged in amniotic fluid). You will be able to smell as soon as you take your first breath, which means that I will be one of the first scents you will experience! It is said that a Mommy's scent is a baby's favorite! :) Yours will be my favorite too! :)   

While Mommy and Daddy have been busy getting everything ready for your arrival you have been busy making faces (swoon), exploring my uterine wall with your hands and feet (we love feeling you), breathing, hiccuping, swallowing, and sucking your thumb. Some babies are born with a callus on their thumb from sucking it so much! I wonder if you will have one? I can't wait to explore each one of your little fingers and toes! 

We are getting so excited that your birthday is coming so soon! We have a habit of going into your room multiple times throughout the day for no other reason than to picture you in it! We are so thankful God chose us to be your parents. We will love you, with all of us, forever! 

I love you, 


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Rain Rain Come Out And Play

Hi my darling baby, 

Mommy is quite tired today. I think it is a combination of being pregnant, getting restless sleep, and this gloomy weather. The weather has been so bizarre lately; a couple of weeks ago it was raining and hailing, this week and last week has been super hot, and today it is gray skies. I can't keep up. 

We took full advantage of the beautiful weather last weekend by doing yard work and hanging outside with my side of our family. It was fun to have them over and show them all the work we have been doing lately. Everyone loved your room! :) 

                                      Some of the gang..

                               Enjoying the purdy weather 

We hung outside, watched Family Feud (one of our favorites to watch and play along with when we are all together), and finished the night off by eating Porky's Pizza (yummers). Pretty soon you will be here to join in on the fun! 59 days to go! SO EXCITED! :) 

I hope the rain comes out to play today! I'll refrain from doing my rain dance..your welcome people! 

I love you SO MUCH! 


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Counting Sheep Doesn't Work

Good Morning Cupcake, 

You are officially less than 2 months away! 60 days to be exact, or 8 weeks and 4 days (but who's counting)!! We are getting so excited..and I am getting a lil' nervous..not about anything other than the delivery. :) I hope you listen to my daily pleads for an easy delivery! Everyone tells me not to think about it, but how can you not?! I'm a Type A stress-er so it is nearly impossible to follow their advice! 

In other news, we have almost finished your nursery! We only have a couple little things to do/get until it is done! It looks SO cute! :) When your Daddy and I were putting it together I started crying (who me?) because I am so excited for you to come into this world! Seeing it all put together, with all your little clothes hanging in your closet, made it feel so real. I got so excited and just burst into tears! I can't wait to show you! :) 

Everything else has been progressing smoothly. We have been busy working/decorating the house, and getting ready for you. :) I still can't believe how soon you will be here! Eek! :) 

The bigger you get the more uncomfortable I get. I have been having a terrible time sleeping. Between waking up all night to potty, my hands keep falling asleep which keeps me up as well. I have gotten really swollen lately, my knees hurt, my feet hurt, and I have been exhausted.  Don't worry, you are worth it all!! :) 

I was so jealous of the sleep your Daddy and doggy were getting the other day that I took this..

                                       Ya, must be nice! ;)

I know once you are here that my sleep deprivation will continue..but I am excited because at least I will have you to keep me company! I know your Daddy will join us in our middle of the night bonding, so it will be a family affair! :) Enjoy your sleep while it lasts B! ;) 

I think about you every second of every day, and I fall more in love with you with each minute that passes! 

I love you more than you will ever know!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Doctor Checkup

Hi my Cupcake love, 

Yesterday was a great day because I got to hear your heartbeat, and as usual it was music to my ears! 

The Doctor said that everything is progressing good and that you are measuring right on track! :) She started talking with me about the delivery which made me a lil' anxious! Everyday when I talk to you I ask you to be easy on Mommy during the delivery. :) I wonder if you will listen..

I talked to her about the tons of Braxton Hicks contractions that I have been having lately and she basically told me what she had previously; take it easy, rest a lot, stay hydrated, and go to the hospital (which I almost did last week) if I feel like something isn't right. I asked her if the contractions are any indication that you will arrive early, and she said no. I am so happy because I want you to cook as long as possible so you can be the healthiest lil' Cupcake when you enter the world. 

                                      Waiting for the Doc..

The bigger you get the better we can feel you moving around in my belly. Last night you were on a roll and your Daddy was enjoying every minute of it! He said it was the best he has ever felt you. We can literally feel your little feet!..It is SO cool! Your Daddy kept saying "whoa, whoa" every time you moved, and of course I couldn't help laughing which shook my jolly belly. He kept telling me to stop laughing which only made me laugh more! I don't know why it always cracks me up, but it does, and I love it.  

He was belly hogging you last night. I guess it was fair since I get to feel you all day long. :) Best part of my day! 

I love you so much my little mover and shaker!


Monday, March 2, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hi Cupcake, 

This weekend, as most recently, was spent doing stuff around the house (which I love). It is so fun being able to make each room our own..I love owning a house! :) I have been having SO much fun picking out furniture/finishes for each room..we still have a long way to go but I am enjoying every minute of it. :) 

We got quite a bit of treasures on our shopping excursion on Saturday, including some cute stuff for your room! :) We stopped for some ice cream on our way home; it was your womb-day after all! ;) 

                                            Nothing beats Thrifty ice cream! 

Mommy got her favorite flavors (as usual): Rocky Road and Pistachio Nut, and your Daddy switched his up and got Mint and Chip and Strawberry Cheesecake (rebel). ;) I am a creature of habit and usually get the same thing at every restaurant etc. we go! I'm not big on change! 

Your Daddy spent the rest of the day working on baseboards while I did little things around the house like laundry and dishes. Call me crazy but I don't find these two tasks to be a chore. 

I was so excited to finally get around to changing the hardware in the guest bathroom on Sunday! It's all about the little details I tell ya'! :) They were in dire need of an update!..They thanked us too! 

                                     Before....I know, bad right?!

                  After! :) Your Daddy still needs to change the sink stop

            Your Daddy working hard..while we goofed off in the mirror :) 







What a difference right?! The little things make your Mommy one happy girl! It rained pretty good over the weekend (which I loved) so after working around the house we cozied up with warm food, blankets, and watched movies. :)
Perfect way to end our days! 

I have been on a pizza kick lately, Little Caesar's mainly! There is just something about their Italian Cheese Bread that really gets me going! :) Ha ha. I could literally eat it every day. So of course it was on our weekend menu. 

It was really cute, last week when your Daddy was coming home from work he asked me what I wanted for dinner (he always lets us pick :)) so he could pick it up. I told him that I was torn between Little Caesars and Taco Bell (go figure) and told him to surprise me since I couldn't pick between the two. So what did your adorable Daddy come home with you ask..both LOL! :) He makes me happy! I am one lucky girl! :) 

It is hailing outside right now!..Closest thing we get to snow here. Wish I was home in jammies and blankets cozied up with my boys! 

I love you more than all the raindrops in the sky! 
