Friday, March 13, 2015

31 Week Development

Thank sweet Jesus that it is Friday! 

It has been a long week and I am definitely looking forward to the weekend! Your womb day is tomorrow as well, so I have two reasons to celebrate! :) 

The time has been flying by and you are becoming quite the big boy! Keep up the great work! You now weigh around 3+ pounds and are about 18 inches long! I seriously think that is longer than my short lil' torso! No wonder I feel you lodged in my ribs poor thing have no where to go! You are quickly approaching your birth weight but have another 3-5 pounds to put on before you make your arrival (get ready back!). 

You have started to develop more defined sleep patterns. You usually sleep when Mommy does but wake up really early in the morning. I wonder if this will be the case when you are here. It would sure be nice if you slept throughout the night with me..I know, wishful thinking! 

Your brain is developing at super sonic speed right now. You can now process information, track light, and use all five of your senses (except smell because you are submerged in amniotic fluid). You will be able to smell as soon as you take your first breath, which means that I will be one of the first scents you will experience! It is said that a Mommy's scent is a baby's favorite! :) Yours will be my favorite too! :)   

While Mommy and Daddy have been busy getting everything ready for your arrival you have been busy making faces (swoon), exploring my uterine wall with your hands and feet (we love feeling you), breathing, hiccuping, swallowing, and sucking your thumb. Some babies are born with a callus on their thumb from sucking it so much! I wonder if you will have one? I can't wait to explore each one of your little fingers and toes! 

We are getting so excited that your birthday is coming so soon! We have a habit of going into your room multiple times throughout the day for no other reason than to picture you in it! We are so thankful God chose us to be your parents. We will love you, with all of us, forever! 

I love you, 


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