Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekend BBQ

Happy Monday my Cupcake, 

We took a break from our to to do list over the weekend to sneek in some family time. :) It is always nice to have a lil break from our weekend chores, and no better way to spend it thn with family...and yummy food! ;) 

                             Love me some Dean's/Wallace's :)

Your Daddy BBQ'd some tasty cheeseburgers and brats..he is quite the Chef Boyar-Dean (see what I did there?) ;) I could only have a cheeseburger since I'm supposed to steer clear of brats when preggo, but they looked bomb nonetheless! Once you come out I am going to go on a sandwich, sushi, and hot dog binge!..not kidding! I told your Daddy, "forget the filet mignon dinner after delivery, bring me a hogi" LOL  ..better yet, I'll take both! :) 

Your Daddy and Grandma staying out of the since it was 90 degrees outside! Yuck! And it's still winter!..until Friday! I'm praying for at least one more cool down before then! Rain dance anyone?..who's with me? 

                           The sun was a-shinin' on us though

                        Your Cousin and Doggy playing

                          Mommy and Daddy with our baby boy!

I'm excited to go to the Doctor today for our checkup! Especially since I want to pick her brain about some things. Of course I'm most excited to hear my precious baby though!  

I love you SO much!   


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