Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New Car!

Hi Cupcake, 

The weekend flew by; why does it always seem to go so fast and the week seems to go so slow?! Even though it went by in a blink of an eye it was a great weekend! 

On Saturday we bought a new car!!! :) I am so in love with it! And it just so happens that your car seat that we got last month matches the interior perfectly! Bonus! :) 

                                       Isn't she a beauty? 

                    Cruisin' in our new ride..clearly your Daddy is excited!  

We also registered for your baby shower! It is only a week and a half away! I am so excited!..from what I hear it is going to be super cute (Gaga, and Auntie Kort are keeping me in the dark for the most part, which is hard to deal with for your Type A Mommy!). 

                                       Armed and dangerous..

It was SO overwhelming trying to decide what items are best for you! There are like 500 bottle choices alone! Ha ha! But we had a great time looking at all the baby stuff and picking everything out! It was so fun imagining you using all the stuff! We can't believe you will be here in only 46 days! Eek! 

We love you SO much! 


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