Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Smell The Roses

Hi my favorite baby boy, 

People warned us that owning a house means having a continuous to-do list, and we are realizing that they were right!..and I have been enjoying every minute of it. I have also been told that a house is never truly done; it's an ever evolving process. So it goes without saying that over the weekend we worked on our ever evolving to-do list. :)

                    Your Daddy fertilized our dying rose bushes..

..and finished painting one of our stair rails (it was an ugly oak color, and now it is a beautiful creamy white!)

He also worked on our never ending baseboards! While he did all of this I worked on lining your bathroom drawers (yay, finally something I can do!). Since we didn't replace your bathroom cabinets I decided to not only do a DEEP cleaning of them, I also decided to line all of them so that they are like new! I am a BIG time germ-a-phobe and wanted to make sure your bath things have a perfectly clean and new place to call home! 

                                 Before cleaning and lining..

                                            ..and after

I went with a super thick lining so that no germs can get through..yes, I know I am cray! I told you I'm a freak about germs!..Especially when it comes to bathrooms! :)

I plan on tackling the bottom shelves of your bathroom cabinets this weekend! Then on to the guest bathroom..

Your wonderful Daddy brought us "just because" flowers a couple of days ago! :) We are spoiled..and so lucky to have him! You both make my heart complete! 

                                      They smell so pretty!

I love you, 



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