Friday, March 20, 2015

32 Weeks Down..8 To Go!

HAPPY 32 WEEKS IN MY BELLY CUPCAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are now the size of a squash, and squashed you probably are in my tummy because you are getting so big! I wish I had a window to look inside my tum to see your big ol' cute self! :)  

                                          Getting SO close! 

There is less fluid in your home now since you are getting so big, which means I can feel you better than ever! I can see your little feet kicking me and it is the coolest thing!..My stomach literally moves all day long! Sometimes you play with me and kick me if I poke you! :) Feeling you is the best part of my day! 

                             32 Weeks and 5 Days in this pic! 

Cravings: Waffles, Little Ceasar's Pizza (and cheese bread), Taco Bell
Things I miss the most: Sleeping through the night, Normal clothes, Sandwiches, Clear skin, Being able to bend over, Baths, Hands not feeling numb
Symptoms: Carpal Tunnel, Swelling, Zits, Sore Hips and Knees (mostly when I sleep), Big everything, Braxton Hicks (have slowed A LOT! Thank God!) 
Moody?: Oh yeah! 
Ring On or Off?: On, although it gets pretty tight at the end of the day
Coolest Thing: Feeling you, You playing with me, Seeing your Daddy's face light up when he feels you :) 

                                              Kisses to my 32 week old baby boy!

 We can't wait to hold you in our arms in 7 weeks and 1 day! 50 days to go!!!! 

WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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